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No.Publication No.Proposal No.BeamlineTitleAuthorLanguageJournalPublication YearVolumePage
1ANJT-U3TW 2018G533; 2020G526; 2022G016; 2019V003; 2020V001 3A/ 3A; 4C/ 4C; 4C/ 4C; 4C/ 4C; 8B; 8B Symmetry change in LaNiO3 films caused by epitaxial strain from LaAlO3, SrTiO3, and DyScO3 pseudocubic (001) surfaces 若林 裕助/Yusuke WAKABAYASHI; 泉澤 史也/Fumiya IZUMISAWA; 石井祐太; 山浦淳一 英語 / English Journal of Applied Physics 2024 136
2XHFA-NK84 2015S2-009; 2021G566 3A/ 3A; 4C/ 4C; 3A/ 3A Surface Extraction Process During Initial Oxidation of Pt(111): Effect of Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Cations in Alkaline Media 久米田 友明/Tomoaki KUMEDA; 田中 駿乃介/Shunnosuke TANAKA; 中村 将志/Masashi NAKAMURA 英語 / English Journal of the American Chemical Society 2024 146 10312
3AWBC-KYAA 2023G554 3A/ 3A Collinear Antiferromagnet SmPt6Al3 with a Sm Honeycomb Structure Centered by Pt Triangles 大石 遼平 / Ryohei OISHI; 松村 武/Takeshi MATSUMURA; 新田 大翔/Hiroto NITTA; 志村 恭通; 梅尾 和則; 鬼丸 孝博; 高畠 敏郎; 塚越 舜; 倉内 憲伸 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2024 93 1
4UT4S-WTZT 2020G665; 2023G611 3A/ 3A; 3A/ 3A Lattice-commensurate skyrmion texture in a centrosymmetric breathing kagome magnet HIRSCHBERGER Maximilian/Maximilian HIRSCHBERGER; 有馬 孝尚/Takahisa ARIMA 英語 / English npj Quantum Materials 2024 9 45
59RJ7-8TZU 2022G630; 2020G505 NW2A/NW2A; 3A/4C Simultaneous fast XAS/SAXS measurements in an energy-dispersive mode 白澤 徹郎/Tetsuro SHIRASAWA 英語 / English Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2024 26 18493
6GR8X-JMY0 2020G665 3A/ 3A Multistep topological transitions among meron and skyrmion crystals in a centrosymmetric magnet 吉持 遥人/Haruto YOSHIMOCHI; 関 真一郎/Shinichiro Seki; 高木 里奈/Rina TAKAGI; 有馬 孝尚/Takahisa ARIMA; 中島 多朗/Taro NAKAJIMA 英語 / English Nature Physics 2024 20 1001
70GAR-6J0R 2022G114 3A/ 3A Helicity Unification by Triangular Skyrmion Lattice Formation in the Noncentrosymmetric Tetragonal Magnet EuNiGe3 松村 武/Takeshi MATSUMURA; 倉内 憲伸/Kenshin KURAUCHI; 塚越 舜/Mitsuru TSUKAGOSHI 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2024 93 1
8W3AR-GSRH 2022G114 3A/ 3A Single helicity of the triple-q triangular skyrmion lattice state in the cubic chiral helimagnet EuPtSi 松村 武/Takeshi MATSUMURA 英語 / English Physical Review B 2024 109 1
9BUZB-NJ1U 2018S1-001, 2023S2-001 3A; 19A Reassigning CI chondrite parent bodies based on reflectance spectroscopy of samples from carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu and meteorites Amano, Kana 英語 / English Science Advances 2023 9
10Z8KT-C89H 2017G602, 2016S2-005, 2021S2-004 16A, 3A Quadrupole anomalous Hall effect in magnetically induced electron nematic state Koizumi H. 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
11UNZV-UE72 2020G034 3A Quadrupolar Domain Selection by Magnetic Field in DyNi3Ga9 Tsukagoshi M. 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2023 92
12JUEF-009M 2022G520 3A Discovery of antiferromagnetic chiral helical ordered state in trigonal GdNi3Ga9 Nakamura S. 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 108
13F483-X9CE 2018S2-006, 2021S2-004 3A Field-tunable Weyl points and large anomalous Hall effect in the degenerate magnetic semiconductor EuMg2 Bi2 Kondo M. 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107
14VM8E-EVZZ 3A Growth kinetics of a perfectly flat Bi(110) film during low-temperature deposition and subsequent annealing Shimura, Maimi 英語 / English Surface Science 2023 728
150FXZ-N6P6 2015S2-009; 2018G533; 2020G526 3A/ 3A; 3A/ 3A; 3A/ 3A Quantitative measurement of structural fluctuation at LaNiO3/LaAlO3 interfaces as a function of thickness 永井 和樹/Kazuki NAGAI; 穴田 壮人/Masato ANADA; 小和 一弘/Kazuhiro KOWA; 若林 裕助/Yusuke WAKABAYASHI; 北村未歩; 組頭広志; 田尻寛男 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2023 7
169SPE-R1X3 2019G670 3A/ 3A Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on AuNi Surface Alloy Formed on Single Crystal Au Electrodes 田中 駿乃介/Shunnosuke TANAKA; 中村 将志/Masashi NAKAMURA 英語 / English ChemElectroChem 2023 10
17JP79-6C3U 2018G661; 2020G505 NW2A/NW2A; 3A/ 3A; NW2A/NW2A Structural transition at the subsurface of few-layer Bi(110) film during the growth 白澤 徹郎/Tetsuro SHIRASAWA 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2023 7
181A8V-NJAK 2022G551 3A/ 3A Rhombic skyrmion lattice coupled with orthorhombic structural distortion in EuAl$_{4}$ 厳 正輝/Masaki GEN 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107 1
19PRRG-M00E 2021G596, 2021PF-G015 8A, 8B, 3A, 4C Space-Group Determination of Superlattice Structure Due to Electric Toroidal Ordering in Ca5Ir3O12 花手 洋樹/Hiroki HANATE; 筒井 智嗣/Satoshi TSUTSUI; 矢島 健/Takeshi YAJIMA; 松平 和之/Kazuyuki MATSUHIRA 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2023 92 063601
209MHN-9NZ7 2020S2-002; 2018S1-001 3A; 19A Formation and evolution of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu: Direct evidence from returned samples T. Nakamura; Y. Takahashi; S. Yamashita; Y. Takeichi 英語 / English science 2023 379
21UPR1-72MU 2022G114 3A/ 3A Helicity Selection of the Cycloidal Order in Noncentrosymmetric EuIrGe3 松村 武/Takeshi MATSUMURA; 倉内 憲伸/Kenshin KURAUCHI; 塚越 舜/Mitsuru TSUKAGOSHI 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2023 92 1
229WVP-WPP8 2018G570, 2015S2‐007 3A Zoology of Multiple-Q Spin Textures in a Centrosymmetric Tetragonal Magnet with Itinerant Electrons Khanh, Nguyen Duy 英語 / English Advanced Science 2022 9
23Y8PC-XC6C 2020G665 3A Anisotropic magnetotransport properties coupled with spiral spin modulation in a magnetic semimetal EuZnGe Kurumaji T. 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2022 6
24TVK0-DCYM 3A Interface magnetization in Y3Fe5O12 / Nd3Ga5O12 epitaxial heterostructures caused by Fe3+ - Nd3+ exchange coupling B. B. Krichevtsov 英語 / English Thin Solid Films 2022 756
25XNAR-TGXT 2019G670; 2021G566 3A/ 3A; 3A/ 3A Tailoring the active site for the oxygen evolution reaction on a Pt electrode 中村 将志/Masashi NAKAMURA; 久米田 友明/Tomoaki KUMEDA 英語 / English Communications Chemistry 2022 5
26K3P9-M109 2019G056 3A/ 3A Drastic Reduction of the Solid Electrolyte-Electrode Interface Resistance via Annealing in Battery Form 小林 成/Shigeru KOBAYASHI; Elvis F. Arguelles; 白澤 徹郎/Tetsuro SHIRASAWA; 清水 亮太/Ryota SHIMIZU 英語 / English ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022 14 2703
27EJF4-7GA5 2003G032; 2007G082 3A; 旧3A Dependence of surface residual stress on the coefficient of thermal expansion for materials subjected to laser peening without coating Yuji Sano; Koichi Akita 英語 / English Optics & Laser Technology 2022 156
28GT69-A4YW 2020G034 3A/ 3A Cycloidal Magnetic Ordering in Noncentrosymmetric EuIrGe3 松村 武/Takeshi MATSUMURA 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2022 91 1
292SHA-1NAS 2020G034 3A/ 3A Structural Transition in the Hidden Ordered Phase of CeCoSi 松村 武/Takeshi MATSUMURA 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2022 91 1
30WPX0-B7CB 2020G034 3A/ 3A Competition between helimagnetic and ferroquadrupolar ordering in a monoaxial chiral magnet DyNi3Ga9 studied by resonant x-ray diffraction 松村 武/Takeshi MATSUMURA; 塚越 舜/Mitsuru TSUKAGOSHI 英語 / English Physical Review B 2022 105 1
314H50-YKSZ 018S001, 2020S2-002 3A, 19A/19B Anaerobic Microscopic Analysis of Ferrous Saponite and Its Sensitivity to Oxidation by Earth’s Air: Lessons Learned for Analysis of Returned Samples from Mars and Carbonaceous Asteroids Natsumi Noda 英語 / English Minerals 2021 11
32DP45-YCN2 3A Water-susceptible primordial noble gas components inless-altered CR chondrites: A possible link to cometary materials Tomoya Obase 英語 / English Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2021 312 75
333RBX-CXAJ 3A An unusual porous, cryptocrystalline forsterite chondrule in Murchison Michael ZOLENSKY 英語 / English Meteoritics & Planetary Science 2021 1-5
34SN2S-7UPC 2019G584 3A Construction of Structure-Controlled Perovskite Ultra-Thin Layers on Au(100) Single-Crystal Surface via Self-Assembled Monolayer of 4-Aminothiophenol Mami Takahari, Toshihiro Kondo 英語 / English Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 2021 94 76
359WZP-J66C 2015S2-009; 2018G533 3A/ 3A; 3A/ 3A Local polarization and valence distribution in LaNiO3/LaMnO3 heterostructures 穴田 壮人/Masato ANADA; 阪口 聖/Satoshi SAKAGUCHI; 永井 和樹/Kazuki NAGAI; 若林 裕助/Yusuke WAKABAYASHI; 北村未歩; 堀場弘司; 組頭広志 英語 / English Physical Review B 2021 104
367MG0-N5ND 2012G772 3A/ 3A Controllable CaF2 Nanosized Stripe Arrays on Si(001) Studied by X-ray and Electron Diffraction SUTURIN Sergey Michailovich/Sergey Michailovich SUTURIN; SOKOLOV Semenovich Nikolai/Nikolai Semenovich SOKOLOV; KOROVIN Mikhailovich Alexander/Alexander Mikhailovich KOROVIN 英語 / English Surfaces 2021 4 97
37AF7V-18DW 2016G684 3A/ 3A High temperature treatment of epitaxial nickel ferrite thin films: the way to bulk-like magnetic properties KAVEEV Kamilievich Andrei/Andrei Kamilievich KAVEEV; SOKOLOV Semenovich Nikolai/Nikolai Semenovich SOKOLOV; SUTURIN Sergey Michailovich/Sergey Michailovich SUTURIN 英語 / English Journal of Crystal Growth 2021 573 126302
38D0SU-C8V6 2014G725; 2018G688 16A/16A; 3A/ 3A Correlation between crystal structure and magnetism in PLD grown epitaxial films of ε-Fe2O3 on GaN SUTURIN Sergey Michailovich/Sergey Michailovich SUTURIN; SOKOLOV Semenovich Nikolai/Nikolai Semenovich SOKOLOV; KOROVIN Mikhailovich Alexander/Alexander Mikhailovich KOROVIN 英語 / English Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 2021 22 85
39CPGG-H33Z 2018G661 3A Evidence for a higher-order topological insulator in a three-dimensional material built from van der Waals stacking of bismuth-halide chains 野口亮 英語 / English Nature Materials 2021 20 473
40CZCR-H47V 2015S2-009 3A/ 3A Clean Solid?Electrolyte/Electrode Interfaces Double the Capacity of Solid-State Lithium Batteries 白澤 徹郎/Tetsuro SHIRASAWA 英語 / English ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021 13 5861
41DTU5-J3AZ 2020G521 1A/1A; 17A; NE-3A Bacterial triacylglycerol lipase is a potential cholesterol esterase: Identification of a key determinant for sterol-binding specificity. 安武 義晃/Yoshiaki YASUTAKE 英語 / English International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2021 167 578
427DFA-R3NV 2009S2-008; 2012S2-005; 2015G548; 2017G553; 2017G549; 2016PF-BL-19B 3A/ 3A; 4C/ 4C; 11B/11B; 16A/16A; 3A/ 3A; 19B Orbital hybridization investigated by resonant X-ray scattering technique / 共鳴X線散乱による軌道混成状態の観測 中尾 裕則/Hironori NAKAO; 山崎 裕一/Yuichi YAMASAKI; 田端 千紘/Chihiro TABATA; 石井祐太 日本語 / Japanese 放射光 / Journal of the Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research 2021 34 55
43FS69-8V5R 2015G632, 2017G612, 2019G668, 2018G620, 2020G671 NW10A, 9A, 9C, 12C, 3A, 4C SR Applications for Fuel Cell Electrodes Takuya Masuda 英語 / English Synchrotron Radiation News 2020 33
44X78W-T9Y8 3A Surface-Modified Two-Dimensional Titanium Carbide Sheets for Intrinsic Vibrational Signal-Retained Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering with Ultrahigh Uniformity Li, G. 英語 / English ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020 12 23523
457SJY-A47G 3A Liquid dispersions of zeolite monolayers with high catalytic activity prepared by soft-chemical exfoliation Wieslaw J. Roth 英語 / English Science Advances 2020 6
4641W0-0TFS 3A Spin excitations in laser-molecular-beam epitaxy-grown nanosized YIG films: towards low relaxation and desirable magnetization profile L V Lutsev 英語 / English Journal of Physics D 2020 53
47CHYD-S6HH 2018G661 3A Growth of extremely flat Bi(110) films on a Si(111)√3 × √3-B substrate Kentaro Nagase 英語 / English Applied Physics Express 2020 13
48VWB0-D2TS 2015S2-009 3A Robust surface structure analysis with reliable uncertainty estimation using the exchange Monte Carlo method Nagai, K. 英語 / English Journal of Applied Crystallography 2020 33 387
493110-VB51 2017G641 3A Resonant X-ray Diffraction Study of Antiferromagnetic Transition in GdNiC2 Susumu Shimomura 英語 / English Proceedings of the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2020 30
50BG0T-MEHR 2003G032 3A A mechanism for inducing compressive residual stresses on a surface by laser peening without coating Sano Y. , Akita K. , Sano T. 英語 / English Metals 2020 10