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No.Publication No.Proposal No.BeamlineTitleAuthorLanguageJournalPublication YearVolumePage
1JUCX-N1ZU 2023G030 20B Morphological control for hollow rod crystals of a photochromic di?aryl?ethene on spherulites by surface properties of substrates M. Isobe 英語 / English Acta Crystallographica Section B 2024 80 732
2KFMJ-N5S1 2021G090 20B Propagation behaviour of threading screw dislocations during 4H-SiC crystal growth using a hybrid method combined with solution growth and physical vapour transport growth on high-off-angle seeds Eto, Kazuma 英語 / English Journal of Crystal Growth 2024 634
39B8T-KW4J 2021G022; 2023G030 14B/14B; 20B/20B; 14B/14B; 20B/20B Unraveling Polymorphism and Twisting in Near-Perfect Protein Crystals 鈴木 凌/Ryo SUZUKI; 阿部 満理奈/Marina ABE; 小島 謙一/Kenichi KOJIMA; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2024 15 4031
4PVV5-2KEU 2021G022; 2023G030 20B/20B; 20B/20B Cross-linking controls the mechanical properties of protein crystals 高久 大輝/Daiki TAKAKU; 鈴木 凌/Ryo SUZUKI; 小島 謙一/Kenichi KOJIMA; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2024 8
5Z4YM-KUH6 20B Optimizing Arsenic Therapy by Selectively Targeting Leukemia Cells Carrall, Judith A. 英語 / English Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023 66 12101
6PUFM-3G29 2019G103; 2021G022 14B/14B; 20B/20B; 14B/14B; 20B/20B In Situ Observation of Slight Twisting in Hen Egg-White Lysozyme Crystals during Crystal Growth and Dissolution by Digital X-ray Topography 阿部 満理奈/Marina ABE; 鈴木 凌/Ryo SUZUKI; Keiichi Hirano; 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI; 小島 謙一/Kenichi KOJIMA; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English Crystal Growth & Design 2023 23 4130
7MUAS-KWN5 3C, 20B Structural characterization of defects in EFG- and HVPE-grown β-Ga2O3 crystals Osamu Ueda 英語 / English Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2022 61
8ZSXK-9GSJ 2017G673 20B/20B Suppression of stacking fault expansion in a 4H-SiC epitaxial layer by proton irradiation 原田 俊太/Shunta HARADA 英語 / English Scientific Reports 2022 12
9DV54-03A4 2017G087, 2019G103, 2021G022 14B, 20B Rocking-curve imaging of high-quality protein crystals by non-dispersive X-ray optics in the double-crystal configuration Ryo Suzuki 英語 / English Journal of Applied Crystallography 2022 55
10YBFW-VNRX 2011G073; 2012G504; 2016G673; 2021G037 旧15B1/15B2/旧15B1/15B2; 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B Theoretical and Practical Studies on Effects of External Electrostatic Electric Field on Nucleation and Growth Kinetics of Protein Crystals 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI; 宇田 聡 英語 / English Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 2022 68 1
11S7JX-N87P 2019G103; 2021G022 14B/14B; 20B/20B; 14B/14B; 20B/20B Existence of twisting in dislocation-free protein single crystals 阿部 満理奈/Marina ABE; 鈴木 凌/Ryo SUZUKI; Keiichi Hirano; 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI; 小島 謙一/Kenichi KOJIMA; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2022 119
121MRF-ENM2 2017G087; 2019G103; 2021G022 14B/14B; 20B/20B; 14B/14B; 20B/20B; 14B/14B; 20B/20B Radiation-induced defects in protein crystals observed by X-ray topography 鈴木 凌/Ryo SUZUKI; Seiki Baba; Nobuhiro Mizuno; Kazuya Hasegawa; 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI; 小島 謙一/Kenichi KOJIMA; Takashi Kumasaka; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English Acta Crystallographica Section D 2022 78 196
130FB9-36CS 2016G133; 2018G117 3C/ 3C; 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 3C/ 3C Mechanical properties and dislocation dynamics in \beta-Ga_2O_3 山口 博隆/Hirotaka YAMAGUCHI 英語 / English Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2022 61
148FCD-SAS8 2019PF-31; 2019PF-40; 2020PF-07; 2020PF-17; 2020PF-20; 2020PF-34; 2021PF-S001 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B; NE1A/NE1A; NE1A/NE1A; NE1A/NE1A X-ray zooming microscopy with two Fresnel zone plates 若林 大佑/Daisuke WAKABAYASHI; 鈴木 芳生/Yoshio SUZUKI; 柴崎 裕樹 / Yuki SHIBAZAKI; 杉山 弘/Hiroshi SUGIYAMA; 平野 馨一/Keiichi HIRANO; 西村 龍太郎/Ryutaro NISHIMURA; 兵藤 一行 / Kazuyuki HYODO; 五十嵐 教之 / Noriyuki IGARASHI; 船守 展正 / Nobumasa FUNAMORI 英語 / English Review of Scientific Instruments 2022 93
15RE46-509E 2014G601; 2015G142; 2016G673; 2018G547 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B Control of strain in subgrains of protein crystals by the introduction of grown-in dislocations 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI 英語 / English Acta Crystallographica Section D 2021 77 599
160EZM-YDSK 20B The oxidation state of chromium in basaltic silicate melts Hugh St. C. O'Neill 英語 / English Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2021 306 304
176C0P-NNHK 20B The coordination of Cr2+ in silicate glasses and implications for mineral-melt fractionation of Cr isotopes Andrew J. Berry 英語 / English Chemical Geology 2021 586
18XWR7-B919 20B The effects of temperature and pressure on the oxidation state of chromium in silicate melts Andrew J. Berry 英語 / English Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 2021 176
19AHGF-RMJ7 2017G087; 2019G103 20B/20B; 20B/20B Identification of grown-in dislocations in protein crystals by digital X-ray topography 鈴木 凌/Ryo SUZUKI; 阿部 満理奈/Marina ABE; 小島 謙一/Kenichi KOJIMA; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English Journal of Applied Crystallography 2021 54 163
20D4MU-F54H 20B How the population in Mount Isa is living with lead exposure from mining activities Zheng, J. 英語 / English Extractive Industries and Society 2021 8 123
217XK1-HPPY 2016G133; 2018G117 20B/20B; 3C/ 3C; 20B/20B; 3C/ 3C Subsurface-damaged layer in (010)-oriented β -Ga2O3 substrate 山口 博隆/Hirotaka YAMAGUCHI; Shinya Watanabe 英語 / English Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2020 59
22YXR6-FF2D 2019G103 14B/14B; 20B/20B Evaluation of crystal quality of thin protein crystals based on the dynamical theory of X-ray diffraction 阿部 満理奈/Marina ABE; 鈴木 凌/Ryo SUZUKI; 小島 謙一/Kenichi KOJIMA; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English IUCrJ 2020 7 761
23XJV8-JFBZ 20B High accuracy determination of photoelectric cross sections, X-ray absorption fine structure and nanostructure analysis of zinc selenide using the X-ray extended range technique Sier, D. 英語 / English Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 2020 27 1262
248BZB-8703 2018G055; 2016G541; 2016G549; 2017P002 14B/14B; 20B/20B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B Detection of ?brous substances in lacquerware (Japan) by X-ray phase imaging / Ⅹ線位相イメージング法による漆器中の繊維状物質の検出 岡本 博之/Hiroyuki OKAMOTO 日本語 / Japanese ウェルネス・ヘルスケア学会 / Journal of Wellness and Health Care 2020 44 91
25954Y-NAR2 20B Protocols for in situ measurement of oxygen isotopes in goethite by ion microprobe Monteiro, Hevelyn S. 英語 / English Chemical Geology 2020 533
26PD2D-ERCC 20B Three-dimensional X-ray topographic characterization of broken and unbroken natural diamond anvil crystals at 99.4 GPa Kimihiko Morikawa 英語 / English Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan 2019 44 143
27AFVM-D468 2018G547 20B/20B Improvement of Hen Egg White Lysozyme Crystal Quality by Control of Dehydration Process 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI 英語 / English Crystal Growth & Design 2019 19 5955
280KC8-9CB6 2017G087 20B/20B Solvent-mediated phase transformation of C60 crystals with well-defined hexagonal shape 山本 早織/Saori YAMAMOTO; 舟守 勇斗 / Yuto FUNAMORI; 金田 裕子 / Yuko KANEDA; 谷村 誠 / Makoto TANIMURA; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English Chemical Physics Letters 2019 730 105
29BS8S-W5NK 20B Challenges in Determining the Location of Dopants, to Study the Influence of Metal Doping on the Photocatalytic Activities of ZnO Nanopowders Tsuzuki, T; He, RL; Dodd, A; Saunders, M 英語 / English Nanomaterials 2019 9 481
30GMBZ-28J1 2016G673 20B/20B Importance of Hydration State around Proteins Required to Grow High-Quality Protein Crystals 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI; Satoshi Uda; Tsukamoto Katsuo; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English Crystal Growth & Design 2018 18 4749
31HJ7T-B16E 2014G142; 2016G133 3C/ 3C; 20B/20B; 3C/ 3C; 20B/20B Stacking faults in $\beta$-Ga$_{2}$O$_{3}$ crystals observed by X-ray topography 山口 博隆/Hirotaka YAMAGUCHI; 倉又朗人 英語 / English Journal of Applied Crystallography 2018 51 1372
320N5Z-5RFR 2014G601; 2015G142; 2017G087 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B Direct observation of stress-induced dislocations in protein crystals by synchrotron X-ray topography 鈴木 凌/Ryo SUZUKI; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA; 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI; 小島 謙一/Kenichi KOJIMA 英語 / English Acta Materialia 2018 156 479
33WUXH-37UP 2014G601; 2015G142; 2017G087 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B Analysis of oscillatory rocking curve by dynamical diffraction in protein crystals 鈴木 凌/Ryo SUZUKI; 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI; Keiichi Hirano; Takashi Kumasaka; 小島 謙一/Kenichi KOJIMA; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2018 115 3634
3419UV-Y033 2016G541; 2016G549; 2016G189; 2014G101; 2012G134; 2014G560; 2010G622; 2010G140 20B/20B; 14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B Determination of minimum detectable refraction angle in X-ray diffraction-enhanced imaging via standard test piece 水野 薫/Kaoru MIZUNO; 岡本 博之/Hiroyuki OKAMOTO; 藤森 茜/Akane FUZIMORI 英語 / English Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2017 56 066601-1
35MKF8-A8SB 2016G673; 2017G087 20B/20B; 20B/20B Crystallization Technique of High-Quality Protein Crystals Controlling Surface Free Energy 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI 英語 / English Crystal Growth & Design 2017 17 6712
36WWDZ-0CP3 20B Zirconium phosphonate sorbents with tunable structure and function Veliscek-Carolan J. 英語 / English Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2017
37CEM0-Y1T0 20B Synthesis, reactivities and anti-cancer properties of ruthenium(II) complexes with a thiaether macrocyclic ligand O'Riley H. A. 英語 / English Inorganica Chimica Acta 2017
38VT2D-VY3U 20B Imaging of Vanadium in Microfossils: A New Potential Biosignature Marshall C. P. 英語 / English Astrobiology 2017
39ED0N-R81J 20B Photoinitiators for two-photon polymerisation: effect of branching and viscosity on polymerisation thresholds Whitby R. 英語 / English Whitby R. 2017
40SXNU-XF1A 20B Nickel biopathways in tropical nickel hyperaccumulating trees from Sabah (Malaysia) van der Ent, Antony 英語 / English Scientific Reports 2017
41XC0B-7R6Z 20B Characterisation and hydrometallurgical processing of nickel from tropical agromined bio-ore Vaughan J. 英語 / English Hydrometallurg 2017
42F3WN-UFEN 20B Glutathione transferase P1-1 as an arsenic drug-sequestering enzyme Parker M. W. 英語 / English Protein Science (Protein Sci.) 2017
43H5SK-AEW3 2014G601; 2015G142 20B/20B; 20B/20B Characterization of grown-in dislocations in high-quality glucose isomerase crystals by synchrotron monochromatic-beam X-ray topography 鈴木 凌/Ryo SUZUKI; 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI; 小島 謙一/Kenichi KOJIMA; Seijiro Fukuyama; Yasutomo Arai; Katsuo Tsukamoto; 鈴木 良尚/Yoshihisa SUZUKI; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English Journal of Crystal Growth 2017 468 299
44AWNW-R7DS 2016G148; 2014G036 20B/20B; 14B/14B; 20B/20B Evaluation of p+ HPHT diamond substrate for power device application S. Shikata 英語 / English Diamond & Related Materials 2017
457S96-20PP 20B Carcinogenic Chromium(VI) Compounds Formed by Intracellular Oxidation of Chromium(III) Dietary Supplements by Adipocytes Wu, Lindsay E. 英語 / English Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2016
46HNWF-C387 20B Cu(II) removal by Anoxybacillus flavithermus-iron oxide composites during the addition of Fe(II)aq Harmer, SL 英語 / English Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2016
47UPH3-H968 20B Probing the Fate of Mn Complexes in Nafion: A Combined Multifrequency EPR and XAS Study Schnegg, Alexander 英語 / English JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2016
48NKVJ-3FJ7 20B Relationship of arsenic speciation and bioavailability in mine wastes for human health risk assessment Diacomanolis, Violet 英語 / English ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 2016
49DF12-BXST 20B The severity of sediment desiccation affects the adsorption characteristics and speciation of phosphorus Attygalla, Nirmala W. 英語 / English ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-PROCESSES & IMPACTS 2016
5077C8-7EP1 2013G649; 2015G714; 2014G601; 2015G142 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B Promotion of protein crystal growth by actively switching crystal growth mode via femtosecond laser ablation 冨永 勇佑/Yusuke TOMINAGA; 丸山 美帆子/Mihoko MARUYAMA 英語 / English Nature Photonics 2016 10 723