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No.Publication No.Proposal No.BeamlineTitleAuthorLanguageJournalPublication YearVolumePage
1V4EJ-346F 2017G566, 2019G523, 2021G581 6A, 10C, 15A2 Conformational Distribution of a Multidomain Protein Measured by Single-Pair Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Kawamukai H. 英語 / English Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2024 15 744
2086U-V4H1 15A2 Unraveling Non-Uniform Strain-Induced Crystallization Near a Crack Tip in Natural Rubber Mai, Thanh-Tam 英語 / English Advanced Science 2024 11
3E052-64H6 2016G612; 2019G082; 2023G061 6A/6A; 6A/6A; 6A/6A; 15A2/15A2 Monodomain Liquid Crystal Elastomers Composed of Main-Chain Type Nematic Polyester Bonded to Rubbery Segments at Both Ends 鈴木 亮之/Ryoji SUZUKI; 池田 裕樹/Yuki IKEDA; 伊藤 涼音/Suzune ITO; 林 幹大/Mikihiro HAYASHI; 黒川 成貴 / Naruki KUROKAWA; 戸木田 雅利/Masatoshi TOKITA 英語 / English Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2024 225 1
4352N-7UVC 2020G512, 2020G516 15A2 Revisit of crystal orientation in a vulcanizate of natural rubber under planar elongation Tanaka R. 英語 / English Polymer Journal 2024 56 753
5GXYB-HYWD 2019G116; 2020G610; 2021G573 6A; 15A2; 6A Elastomers mechanically reinforced and toughened with CO2 gas Miwa Y. ; Yoneda H. ; Ohya T. ; Okada K. ; Takahashi R. ; Nakamura H. ; Shimozaki S. ; Hashimoto K. ; Kutsumizu S. 英語 / English Communications Materials 2024 5
6WBE5-0R7X 2019G116; 2020G610; 2021G573 6A; 15A2; 6A Effect of Mg2+ ratio on mechanical and self-healing properties of polyisoprene ionomer co-neutralized with Na+ and Mg2+ Rina Takahashi, Taro Udagawa, Kei Hashimoto, Shoichi Kutsumizu, and Yohei Miwa 英語 / English Polymer Journal 2024 56 669
7BZYA-CFZN 2021G654 15A2 Evaluation of a casein micelle structure using neutron small-angle scattering / 中性子小角散乱法を利用したカゼインミセル構造の評価 高木 秀彰/Hideaki TAKAGI; 中野 智木; 青木 孝良; 谷本 守正 日本語 / Japanese 日本酪農科学会誌 / Milk Science 2024 73 3
8K44P-JNEB 2022G010 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2 Temperature Control of the Self-Assembly Process of 4-Aminoquinoline Amphiphile: Selective Construction of Perforated Vesicles and Nanofibers, and Structural Restoration Capability 山本 勝宏/Katsuhiro YAMAMOTO 英語 / English Chemistry - A European Journal 2024 30
912GA-5B7U 2018G562; 2020G668; 2022G550 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 Understanding the effects of ethanol on the liposome bilayer structure using microfluidic-based time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations Masatoshi Maeki; Kento Yonezawa; Nobutaka Shimizu 英語 / English Nanoscale Advances 2024 6 2166
10RZYU-APA7 2019RP-26; 2020RP-11; 2021PF-B005 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 Structure of full-length ERGIC-53 in complex with MCFD2 for cargo transport Satoshi Watanabe; Yoshiaki Kise; Kento Yonezawa; Mariko Inoue; Nobutaka Shimizu; Osamu Nureki; Kenji Inaba 英語 / English Nature Communications 2024 15
11DW5M-2UT2 15A2 Fluorine-driven amorphous solid-state polycondensation: phosgene-free synthesis of high-molecular weight polycarbonate from fluorinated carbonate Taniguchi, Taihei 英語 / English Polymer Chemistry 2024 15 508
121CA5-GD5Y 2021G654 15A2 A SAXS and USAXS study of the influence of pH on the casein micelle structure 高木 秀彰/Hideaki TAKAGI; Tomoki Nakano; Takayoshi Aoki; Morimasa Tanimoto 英語 / English Food Chemistry 2024 443
13967W-SKCG 2018G562; 2020G668; 2022G550 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 Development of Polymer?Lipid Hybrid Nanoparticles for Large-Sized Plasmid DNA Transfection 真栄城 正寿/Masatoshi MAEKI 英語 / English ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2024 16 2110
1460GW-1VVG 2019G156 15A2/15A2 SAXS/WAXS data of conformationally flexible ribose binding protein Jagrity Choudhury; Kento Yonezawa; Anu Anu; 清水 伸隆 /Nobutaka SHIMIZU; CHAUDHURI Barnali/Barnali CHAUDHURI 英語 / English Data in Brief 2024 52
15FHUY-D528 2019G116, 2020G610, 2021G573 6A, 15A2 CO2 switchable adhesion of ionic polydimethylsiloxane elastomers Miwa, Yohei 英語 / English Chemical Communications 2023 59 14415
16MF35-NXYU 15A2 Time-resolved study on signaling pathway of photoactivated adenylate cyclase and its nonlinear optical response Yusuke Nakasone 英語 / English Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 299
17CKUH-Z69C 2015G020, 2014R-40, 2015R-36; 2016G083; 2016R-69; 2017G088; 2017G089; 2019G017; 2019G018; 2021G052; 2022G034; 2021PF-B026; 2022PF-B011; 2022PF-B014; 2023G052 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 10C/10C; NE3A/NE3A Identification and characterization of endo-α-, exo-α-, and exo-β-D-arabinofuranosidases degrading lipoarabinomannan and arabinogalactan of mycobacteria ブランパン 騰真/Toma BLANPAIN; 伏信 進矢/Shinya FUSHINOBU; 荒川 孝俊/Takatoshi ARAKAWA; 中島 千穂/Chiho NAKASHIMA; 赤井 元気/Genki AKAI; 清水 伸隆 /Nobutaka SHIMIZU; 福島 陸/Riku FUKUSHIMA; 山田 千早/Chihaya YAMADA 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
18B451-1BBD 2021G553; 2019G685 9C/ 9C; 15A2/15A2; 9C/ 9C; 10C/10C Small-angle X-ray scattering analysis on the in-plane cluster distribution during heating amorphous Mg85Y9Cu6 alloys 前河 佳晃/Yoshiaki MAEGAWA; 奥田 浩司/Hiroshi OKUDA; Taichi Shimada; 平山 恭介/Kyosuke HIRAYAMA; 山崎 倫昭; 河村能人 英語 / English Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2023 62
19F5EC-TP8Y 2019RP-34; 2020RP-03 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2 The two‐step cargo recognition mechanism of heterotrimeric kinesin Xuguang Jiang; Tadayuki Ogawa 英語 / English EMBO Reports 2023
20ST01-3UPF 15A2 A system that delivers an antioxidant to mitochondria for the treatment of drug-induced liver injury Hibino, Mitsue 英語 / English Scientific Reports 2023 13
21C5D6-ME4N 2020G123 15A2 Pathway Complexity in Nanotubular Supramolecular Polymerization: Metal-Organic Nanotubes with a Planar-Chiral Monomer Zhao, Yingluo 英語 / English Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023 145 13920
225BN1-HZ9X 15A2 Spherulitic Characterization and Hierarchical Structural Evaluation of Azacalixarene-Polyethylene Glycol Copolymers Containing s-Triazine Rings Otsuki, Yuto 英語 / English Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2023 224
23G31X-9NNN 2019G685; 2021G553 10C/10C; 15A1/15A1; 15A1/15A1; 15A2/15A2 Microstructure Evolution in Mg98.6Y1Zn0.4 Alloys and the Development by Hot Deformation Examined by Synchrotron Radiation Small- andWide-Angle Scattering 奥田 浩司/Hiroshi OKUDA 英語 / English Materials Transactions 2023 64 780
24NU17-WAT7 2016G561; 2018G579; 2019G086 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 Distribution of Oriented Lamellar Structures in Injection-Molded High-Density Polyethylene Visualized via SAXS-CT Method 小川 紘樹/Hiroki OGAWA 英語 / English Macromolecules 2023 56 5964
25GMMA-JD65 2019G577; 2021G654 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C The structural changes of a bovine casein micelle during temperature change; in situ observation over a wide spatial scale from nano to micrometer 高木 秀彰/Hideaki TAKAGI 英語 / English Soft Matter 2023 19 4562
26W8EN-2E77 2021G096 15A2/15A2 Module-assembled elastomer showing large strain stiffening capability and high stretchability 中川 慎太郎/Shintaro NAKAGAWA; 青木 大輔; 浅野 悠紀; 吉江 尚子 英語 / English Advanced Materials 2023 35
27SZVY-H8BZ 2017G593; 2019G685; 2021G553 10C/10C; 9C/ 9C; 6A/6A; 9C/ 9C; 10C/10C; 15A1/15A1; 10C/10C; 9C/ 9C; 15A1/15A1; 15A2/15A2 Nanoclusters in stacking faults in Mg-Y-Zn alloys examined by small-angle X-ray scattering and extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis 奥田 浩司/Hiroshi OKUDA 英語 / English Acta Materialia 2023 253
2818PR-RX8K 2016調整; 2015R-74; 2017R-02; 2018調整; 2019調整; 2020調整; 2022調整 10C/10C; 10C/10C; 10C/10C; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2 Conformational State Estimation of Biological Macromolecules in Solution using BioSAXS / BioSAXS を活用した生体高分子の溶液構造状態推定 清水 伸隆 /Nobutaka SHIMIZU 日本語 / Japanese 日本結晶学会誌 / Journal of the Crystallographic Society of Japan 2023 65 42
29W2SY-57J7 2017P007; 2018G562; 2020G668; 2022G550 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 Mass production system for RNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles using piling up microfluidic devices 真栄城 正寿/Masatoshi MAEKI; 岡田 悠斗/Yuto OKADA; 宇野 秀哉/Shuya UNO; 杉浦 魁星/Kaisei SUGIURA 英語 / English Applied Materials Today 2023 31 101754
3028A8-H84N 2018G562; 2020G668; 2022G550 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 Controlling lamellarity and physicochemical properties of liposomes prepared using a microfluidic device Yuka Matsuura-Sawada; 真栄城 正寿/Masatoshi MAEKI 英語 / English Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 2023 11 2419
31D2D0-5RM1 2020G071; 2022G010 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2 Control of the stepwise self-assembly process of a pH-responsive amphiphilic 4-aminoquinoline- tetraphenylethene conjugate Yusuke Hisamatsu; 山本 勝宏/Katsuhiro YAMAMOTO 英語 / English Nanoscale 2023 15 3177
32765T-HCCT 2018調整; 2019調整; 2020調整; 2022調整 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2 MOLASS: Software for automatic processing of matrix data obtained from small-angle X-ray scattering and UV?visible spectroscopy combined with size-exclusion chromatography Kento Yonezawa; Masatsuyo Takahashi; Keiko Yatabe; Yasuko Nagatani; 清水 伸隆 /Nobutaka SHIMIZU 英語 / English Biophysics and Physicobiology 2023 20
33GBRM-N9VB 2019G012; 2017G038 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 A method for determining the density fluctuations of supercritical fluids absolutely based on small- angle scattering experiments and application to supercritical methanol 森田 剛/Takeshi MORITA; Teruki Kadota; Kouhei Kusano; Yoshitada Tanaka; Keiko Nishikawa 英語 / English Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2023 62 016504
34C4ZG-UK8Z 2018G562; 2020G668; 2022G550 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 Fine-tuning the encapsulation of a photosensitizer in nanoparticles reveals the relationship between internal structure and phototherapeutic effects Fumika Kubota; Satrialdi; Yuta Takano; 真栄城 正寿/Masatoshi MAEKI 英語 / English Journal of Biophotonics 2023 e202200119 1
35V9ND-RCH1 2020G610 15A2 In Situ SAXS Observation of Transient Network Behavior in Ionically Cross-Linked Polydimethylsiloxane Elastomer with Slow and Fast Stretching Yohei Miwa 英語 / English Macromolecules 2022 55 9126
36387R-H0CX 2018G018; 2018G032 5A, NW12A; 15A2 Open-Bundle Structure as the Unfolding Intermediate of Cytochrome c′ Revealed by Small Angle Neutron Scattering Takahide Yamaguchi 英語 / English Biomolecules 2022 12
37BBSM-14H0 2019G617 15A2 Morphology and crystallization kinetics of G-resins and isotactic polypropylene Sukhonthamethirat N. 英語 / English Polymer Engineering & Science 2022 62 1775
385S7C-XJPM 2020G055 15A2/15A2 Tracking Structural Changes of Carbon Nanotube Electrodes for Lithium?Air Batteries by Time-Resolved Operando Wide- and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering 畠山 義清/Yoshikiyo HATAKEYAMA; 杉本 麻菜; 須賀 亮文/Akifumi SUGA; 内藤 遙; 杉本 俊太郎/Shuntaro SUGIMOTO; 坂口 伊織/Iori Sakaguchi; 橋本 佑介; 白石 壮志 英語 / English Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2022 126 15094
395ZS7-XTWH 2013G208; 2015G119 6A/6A; 15A2; 6A/6A; 15A2 Disaggregation of Asphaltene Aggregates in Solutions Depending upon Affinity Indices of the Hansen Solubility Parameter Using Ultrasmall-, Small-, and Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering 森田 剛/Takeshi MORITA; 森本 正人/Masato MORIMOTO; 澁田 諭/Satoshi SHIBUTA; 今村 比呂志/Hiroshi IMAMURA; Hideki Yamamoto; Rik R. Tykwinski; David E. Scott; Jeffrey M. Stryker; Teruo Suzuki; 田中 隆三/Ryuzo TANAKA 英語 / English Energy & Fuels 2022 36 10043
40R55S-8U6N 2020G610 15A2; 6A Effect of alkali metal cations on network rearrangement in polyisoprene ionomers Yohei Miwa, Koki Hasegawa, Taro Udagawa, Yu Shinke, and Shoichi Kutsumizu 英語 / English Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2022 24 17042
413T1S-N63K 2020G610 15A2 Repulsive segregation of fluoroalkyl side chains turns a cohesive polymer into a mechanically tough, ultrafast self-healable, nonsticky elastomer Miwa Y. , Udagawa T. , Kutsumizu S. 英語 / English Scientific Reports 2022 12
42U8KD-ARZ3 2019G577; 2021G654 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C Temperature dependence of the casein micelle structure in the range of 10?40 ?C: An in-situ SAXS study 高木 秀彰/Hideaki TAKAGI; Tomoki NAKANO; Takayoshi AOKI; 谷本 守正/Morimasa TANIMOTO 英語 / English Food Chemistry 2022 393
433VFP-DHXN 2018G588; 2019G577; 2021G654 6A/6A; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C Reconsideration of a structural model of a casein micelle for small-angle X-ray scattering measurements 高木 秀彰/Hideaki TAKAGI; Tomoki NAKANO; Nobutaka SHIMIZU; Takayoshi AOKI; 谷本 守正/Morimasa TANIMOTO 英語 / English 日本酪農科学会誌 / Milk Science 2022 10
44B523-UPR7 2015G019; 2015G020; 2016R-69; 2017G089; 2019G018; 2021PF-B026 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 17A/17A; 1A/1A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 15A2/15A2 Crystal structures of glycoside hydrolase family 136 lacto-N-biosidases from monkey gut- and human adult gut bacteria 山田 千早/Chihaya YAMADA; 伏信 進矢/Shinya FUSHINOBU 英語 / English Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 2022 86 464
45TN1R-BJ7T 2019G156 15A2/15A2 K -edge anomalous SAXS for protein solution structure modeling Karman Virk; Kento Yonezawa; Komal Choukate; Lucky Singh; Nobutaka Shimizu; Barnali Chaudhuri 英語 / English Acta Crystallographica Section D 2022 78 204
46N9DG-UJYK 2016G082; 2018RP-44; 2020G681 NE3A/NE3A; 15A2/15A2; NE3A/NE3A Rosmarinic Acid and Sodium Citrate Have a Synergistic Bacteriostatic Effect against Vibrio Species by Inhibiting Iron Uptake 陸 鵬/Peng LU; 隋 苗苗/Miaomiao Sui; 張 迷敏/Mimin ZHANG; 王 夢瑶/Mengyao Wang; 神谷 岳洋/Takehiro KAMIYA; 岡本 研/Ken OKAMOTO; 伊藤 英晃/Hideaki ITOH; 奥田 傑/Suguru OKUDA; 鈴木 道生/Michio SUZUKI; 朝倉 富子/Tomiko ASAKURA; 藤原 徹/Toru FUJIWARA; 永田 宏次/Koji NAGATA 英語 / English International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 22
4758D5-CVGK 15A2 Crosslinked Sulfonated Polyphenylsulfone (CSPPSU) Membranes for Elevated-Temperature PEM Water Electrolysis Jedeok Kim 英語 / English Membranes 2021 11
48GPEF-0U77 15A2 Thickness Dependence of Proton-Exchange-Membrane Properties Xiaoyan Luo 英語 / English Journal of The Electrochemical Society 2021 168
4913YC-5TE4 2018調整; 2019調整; 2020調整 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 Small-angle X-ray scattering system at synchrotron radiation facilities / 放射光小角X線散乱装置 太田 昇; 高木 秀彰; 増永 啓康; 関口 博史; 清水 伸隆 /Nobutaka SHIMIZU 日本語 / Japanese めそん(日本中間子科学会誌) / Meson 2021 54 17
50AWCN-FKSW 2019G659 15A2 Relationship between formation of kink structure and necking of a specimen comprising hard and soft lamellar microdomains under uniaxial stretching TANAKA R. 英語 / English 材料 / Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan 2021 70 17