更新日 : 2024/12/27 

   件数 : 21,637件    




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  表示 :  表示順 :
7件ヒットしました ( 1 - 7 )
検索条件   ビームライン(NW2A) and 発表年(2023)
[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
1R38C-CVEB 2022S2-001 NW2A/NW2A Nano- to Macroscale In Situ Observation of Microcrack Formation in Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Plastic under Loading Using Synchrotron Transmission X-ray Microscopy 木村 正雄/Masao KIMURA 英語 / English AIP Conference Proceedings 2023 2990 020008
2P85R-TMBA 2021G634 NW2A Multiphase-solid fluid inclusions in HP-LT eclogite facies rock (Zavkhan Terrane, Western Mongolia): evidence for the evolution from saline to hypersaline fluids during metamorphism in subduction zone Bayarbold M 英語 / English Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 2023 178
3GEHU-AU60 2020G588 NW2A 1D Supramolecular Assemblies That Crystallize and Form Gels in Response to the Shape-Complementarity of Alcohols Fracaroli A. M. 英語 / English Langmuir 2023 39 7353
4RKTW-BUH9 2022S2-001 NW2A/NW2A Garnet-hosted multiphase-solid fluid inclusions in eclogite (Zavkhan Terrane, Western Mongolia) record multi-component aqueous fluids in a deep subduction zone 木村 正雄/Masao KIMURA 英語 / English Mineralogy and Petrology 2023 178
5JP79-6C3U 2018G661; 2020G505 NW2A/NW2A; 3A/ 3A; NW2A/NW2A Structural transition at the subsurface of few-layer Bi(110) film during the growth 白澤 徹郎/Tetsuro SHIRASAWA 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2023 7
6SYYG-4J6A 2022S2-001, 2021G634 NW2A Geological records of transient fluid drainage into the shallow mantle wedge Kazuki Yoshida, Ryosuke Oyanagi, Masao Kimura, Oliver Pl?mper, Mayuko Fukuyama, and Atsushi Okamoto 英語 / English Science Advances 2023 9
7RF7B-ZR2Y 2022G038, 2021G634 4A, 12C, NW2A Oxidationーinduced nanolite crystallization triggered the 2021 eruption of FukutokuーOkaーnoーBa, Japan Kenta Yoshida; 木村 正雄 / Masao KIMURA 英語 / English Scientific Reports 2023 13