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1VF29-11ZZ 2017G574; 2019G548; 2021G672 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A Mechanisms of Sugar Aminotransferase-like Enzymes to Synthesize Stereoisomers of Non-proteinogenic Amino Acids in Natural Product Biosynthesis 黒澤 菫/Sumire KUROSAWA; 吉田 彩子/Ayako YOSHIDA; 富田 武郎/Takeo TOMITA; 古園 さおり/Saori KOSONO; 西山 真/Makoto NISHIYAMA 英語 / English ACS Chemical Biology 2023 18 385
2HM7T-7AFB NE3A Discovery of a Hidden Trypanosoma cruzi Spermidine Synthase Binding Site and Inhibitors through In Silico, In Vitro, and X-ray Crystallography Yoshino, Ryunosuke 英語 / English ACS Omega 2023 8 25850
3TGKB-M8G2 2020G633 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A Structure of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-bound D-threonine aldolase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 平戸 祐喜/Yuki HIRATO; 後藤 勝/Masaru GOTOU; 溝渕 太一 / Taichi Mizobuchi 英語 / English Acta Crystallographica Section F 2023 79 31
4DUHJ-4GHY 2017G524 NW12A, NE3A Juglone, a plant-derived 1,4-naphthoquinone, binds to hydroxylamine oxidoreductase and inhibits the electron transfer to cytochrome c554 Akutsu, Yukie 英語 / English Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2023 89
5V5SC-78GG 2022G538; 2020G580 NE3A/NE3A; 5A/ 5A X-ray structures of Enterobacter cloacae allose-binding protein in complexes with monosaccharides demonstrate its unique recognition mechanism for high affinity to allose 神鳥 成弘/Shigehiro KAMITORI 英語 / English Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2023 682 187
6D4PS-5R15 2020G524; 2020RP-23 NE3A; 1A/1A Substrate Recognition Mechanism of a Trichostatin A‐Forming Hydroxyamidotransferase 永田 隆平/Ryuhei NAGATA; 西山真; 葛山 智久/Tomohisa KUZUYAMA 英語 / English Biochemistry 2023 62 1833
7VCKV-VFKG 2018G658; 2018RP-21; 2019RP-02; 2020RP-19; 2021PF-B007; 2022PF-B004; 2022G663 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A Current Clinical Trial Status and Future Prospects of PPAR-Targeted Drugs for Treating Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 鎌田 祥太郎/Shotaro KAMATA 英語 / English Biomolecules 2023 13
85MMB-VSXR 2021G519; 2019G508; 2017G513 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; 17A/17A Characterization and alteration of product specificity of Beijerinckia indica subsp. indica β-fructosyltransferase LI DING/DING LI; 宮坂 祐希/Yuki MIYASAKA; 窪田 有紗/Arisa KUBOTA; 西河 淳/Atsushi NISHIKAWA; 殿塚 隆史/Takashi TONOZUKA 英語 / English Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 2023 87 981
9GUP2-RB0Y 2017G167; 2019G027; 2021G031 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A Protonation states of Asp residues in the human Nudix hydrolase MTH1 contribute to its broad substrate recognition 中村 照也/Teruya NAKAMURA; 山縣 ゆり子/Yuriko YAMAGATA 英語 / English FEBS Letters 2023 597 1770
10B8EC-VSPW 2018G520; 2022G603 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A Crystal structure of ricin toxin A chain complexed with a highly potent pterin-based small-molecular inhibitor 後藤 勝/Masaru GOTOU; Natsumi SAKAMOTO; 東 翔子/Shoko HIGASHI; Rena KAWATA; Kazuki NAGATSU; Ryota SAITO 英語 / English Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 2023 38
11922V-HKAW 2009G590; 2012G048; 2014G087; 2014R-40; 2015G020 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; NW12A/NW12A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A Substrate recognition mode of a glycoside hydrolase family 42 β-galactosidase from Bifidobacterium longum subspecies infantis(BiBga42A) revealed by crystallographic and mutational analyses Aina GOTOH; 日高 將文/Masafumi HIDAKA; 伏信 進矢/Shinya FUSHINOBU; 片山 高嶺/Takane KATAYAMA 英語 / English Microbiome Research Reports 2023 2
124GJK-DDSP 2016G083; 2017G089; 2019G018; 2020RP-04 1A/1A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A A bacterial sulfoglycosidase highlights mucin O-glycan breakdown in the gut ecosystem Toshihiko KATO; 山田 千早/Chihaya YAMADA; ブランパン 騰真/Toma BLANPAIN; 伏信 進矢/Shinya FUSHINOBU; Takane KATAYAMA 英語 / English Nature Chemical Biology 2023 19 778
13RXZH-D5G5 2018G505; 2020G514; 2019RP-03; 2020RP-16 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A Class III hybrid cluster protein homodimeric architecture shows evolutionary relationship with Ni, Fe-carbon monoxide dehydrogenases 藤城 貴史/Takashi FUJISHIRO; 高岡 恭世/Kyosei TAKAOKA 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
14CKUH-Z69C 2015G020, 2014R-40, 2015R-36; 2016G083; 2016R-69; 2017G088; 2017G089; 2019G017; 2019G018; 2021G052; 2022G034; 2021PF-B026; 2022PF-B011; 2022PF-B014; 2023G052 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 10C/10C; NE3A/NE3A Identification and characterization of endo-α-, exo-α-, and exo-β-D-arabinofuranosidases degrading lipoarabinomannan and arabinogalactan of mycobacteria ブランパン 騰真/Toma BLANPAIN; 伏信 進矢/Shinya FUSHINOBU; 荒川 孝俊/Takatoshi ARAKAWA; 中島 千穂/Chiho NAKASHIMA; 赤井 元気/Genki AKAI; 清水 伸隆 /Nobutaka SHIMIZU; 福島 陸/Riku FUKUSHIMA; 山田 千早/Chihaya YAMADA 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14