更新日 : 2024/11/29 

   件数 : 21,600件    




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9件ヒットしました ( 1 - 9 )
検索条件   ビームライン(NE1A) and 発表年(2022)
[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
17JV3-K5SE 2019G503 NE1A Equation of State Determination for Rhenium Using First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Calculations and High-Pressure Experiments Ono, Shigeaki 英語 / English Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 2022 2022
2C0PC-WEWZ 2019G563; 2021G557 NE1A/NE1A; 18C/18C; NE1A/NE1A; 18C/18C High-Pressure Synthesis of Light Lanthanide Dodecaborides (PrB12 and CeB12): Effects of Valence Fluctuation on Volume and Formation Pressure 遊佐 斉/Hitoshi YUSA; 伊賀文俊; 藤久裕司 英語 / English Inorganic Chemistry 2022 61 2568
34WD7-G2RH 2019G563 NE1A/NE1A Dense Structure of Yttrium Nitride as a Post-Rock-Salt Phase: High- Pressure Experiments and Computations 遊佐 斉/Hitoshi YUSA; 藤久裕司 英語 / English Inorganic Chemistry 2022 61 20906
4KV11-UZVD 2020P008 NE1A/NE1A High-Pressure Synthesis of Superconducting Sn3S4Using a Diamond Anvil Cell with a Boron-Doped Diamond Heater 松本 凌/Ryo MATSUMOTO; 寺嶋 健成/Kensei TERASHIMA; 中野 智志/Satoshi NAKANO; 仲村 和貴/Kazuki NAKAMURA 英語 / English Inorganic Chemistry 2022 61 4476
57X73-MXJP 2019G021 NE1A High-pressure behavior of tetragonal barium carbodiimide, BaNCN Yuji Masubuchi; Suzuka Miyazaki; Peng Song; Takafumi Yamamoto; Kosuke Nakano; Kenta Hongo; Ryo Maezono 英語 / English Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2022 918 1
6SU9M-X0UZ 2011G584; 2013G684; 2015G565 18C/18C; NE1A/NE1A; 18C/18C; NE1A/NE1A; 18C/18C; NE1A/NE1A Influence of pressure-induced formation of dihydrogen bonds on lattice parameters, volume, and vibrational modes of ammonia borane 中野 智志/Satoshi NAKANO; 藤久 裕司; 山脇 浩; 亀卦川 卓美 英語 / English Journal of Chemical Physics 2022 157, 234702?1
7P7HC-TUYN 2015G124, 2017G135, 2019G132 18C, NE1A Structure of sodium silicate water glass?X-ray scattering experiments and force-field molecular dynamics simulations Noritake, Fumiya 英語 / English Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2022 579
88FCD-SAS8 2019PF-31; 2019PF-40; 2020PF-07; 2020PF-17; 2020PF-20; 2020PF-34; 2021PF-S001 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B; NE1A/NE1A; NE1A/NE1A; NE1A/NE1A X-ray zooming microscopy with two Fresnel zone plates 若林 大佑/Daisuke WAKABAYASHI; 鈴木 芳生/Yoshio SUZUKI; 柴崎 裕樹 / Yuki SHIBAZAKI; 杉山 弘/Hiroshi SUGIYAMA; 平野 馨一/Keiichi HIRANO; 西村 龍太郎/Ryutaro NISHIMURA; 兵藤 一行 / Kazuyuki HYODO; 五十嵐 教之 / Noriyuki IGARASHI; 船守 展正 / Nobumasa FUNAMORI 英語 / English Review of Scientific Instruments 2022 93
982T8-JMAE 2019G563; 2021G557 18C/18C; NE1A/NE1A; 18C/18C; NE1A/NE1A High-pressure synthesis of novel functional compounds / 高圧合成による新機能化合物の創成 遊佐 斉/Hitoshi YUSA; 長谷川 正 日本語 / Japanese 日本金属学会会報 / Materia 2022 61 656