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12HUF-CJGV 2018G667 9A Effects of a Nanoparticulate TiO2 Modifier on the Visible-Light CO2 Reduction Performance of a Metal-Complex/Semiconductor Hybrid Photocatalyst Mitsuhiko Shizuno 英語 / English ACS Applied Energy Materials 2022 5 9479
27Z0P-M5JC 2018G667 9A, 12C Fluorine-Assisted Low-Temperature Synthesis of GaN:ZnO-Related Solid Solutions with Visible-Light Photoresponse Miyoshi, Akinobu 英語 / English ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022 14 19756
33K15-8ERJ 9A Hierarchical Metal-Organic Aerogel as a Highly Selective and Sustainable CO2Adsorbent Lee, Heehyeon 英語 / English ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022 14 46682
4CZ4A-KRBU 2019G517 10A/10A; 9A; NW10A 8. Crystal structure, XANES and Charge Distribution investigation of krennerite and sylvanite: analysis of Au-Te and Te-Te bonds in Au1-xAgxTe2 group minerals 北原 銀河/Ginga KITAHARA; 吉朝 朗/Akira YOSHIASA 英語 / English Acta Crystallographica Section B 2022 117
5J4CE-KE2U 2013S2-003, 2015S2-002, 2016G632, 2018S1-001, 2019G093 9A, 12C Iron (Fe) speciation in size-fractionated aerosol particles in the Pacific Ocean: The role of organic complexation of Fe with humic-like substances in controlling Fe solubility Sakata, Kohei 英語 / English Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2022 22 9461
6AXX2-1JMT 2019G117 9A/ 9A; 12C/12C Insight into the Gd?Pt Bond: Slow Magnetic Relaxation of a Heterometallic Gd?Pt Complex 吉田 健文/Takefumi YOSHIDA 英語 / English Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 2022 93 513
73P75-9XJ0 2019T002 9A Non-innocent redox behavior of CuII-p-dimethylaminophenolate complexes: formation and characterization of the CuI-phenoxyl radical species Shima, Yuto 英語 / English Chemical Communications 2022 58 6401
8CX4H-MYPV 2010G604, 2011G615 9A Hydrothermal formation of Fe-oxide bands in zebra rocks from northern Western Australia Hirokazu Kawahara 英語 / English Chemical Geology 2022 590
98A8S-X1BR 2019G674; 2020G654 7A/ 7A; 16A/16A; 9A/ 9A Development of a MnOOH Mineral Electrocatalyst for Water Splitting by Controlling the Surface Defects of a Naturally Occurring Ore 吉田 真明/Masaaki YOSHIDA 英語 / English Chemistry Letters 2022 51 50
106537-X918 2019G674; 2020G654 7A/ 7A; 16A/16A; 9A/ 9A Enhanced Electrochromic Properties of Hierarchical Iron Oxyhydroxide Hollow Sphere Array 吉田 真明/Masaaki YOSHIDA 英語 / English Chemistry Letters 2022 51 227
11XPAB-EB7D 2021G518; 2020G654 7A/ 7A; 16A/16A; 9A/ 9A Development of a MnCO3-based Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation from Rhodochrosite Ore / Development of a MnCO3-based Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation from Rhodochrosite Ore 吉田 真明/Masaaki YOSHIDA 英語 / English Chemistry Letters 2022 51 723
12CAJY-V58F 2019G674; 2020G654; 2021G518 7A/ 7A; 16A/16A; 9A/ 9A; 7A/ 7A; 16A/16A Development of a Hemispherical Cavity Cobalt Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation Based on a Polystyrene Colloidal Template Electrodeposition Method / Development of a Hemispherical Cavity Cobalt Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation Based on a Polystyrene Colloidal Template Electrodeposition Method 吉田 真明/Masaaki YOSHIDA 英語 / English ChemistrySelect 2022 7
131JDE-91SV 2020G670, 2018S1-001 9A Potassium isotope signatures in modern marine sediments: Insights into early diagenesis Li, Wenshuai 英語 / English Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters 2022 599
14BUW4-FCPA 2022G126 9A Soil potassium isotope composition during four million years of ecosystem development in Hawai‘i Liu, Xiao-Ming 英語 / English Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2022 332 57
15V03N-YMZG 2019G127 9A/ 9A; 9C/ 9C; 12C/12C The Distribution and Structures of Ferric Aqua and Chloro Complexes in Hydrochloric Acid Solutions 打越 雅仁/Masahito UCHIKOSHI; 篠田 弘造/Kozo SHINODA; 秋山 大輔/Daisuke AKIYAMA; 君島 堅一 / Ken'ichi Kimijima 英語 / English ISIJ International 2022 62 912
16C31A-2X7P 2012C202, 2013C209, 2015C206 9A In situ Observation of Reduction Behavior of Multicomponent Calcium Ferrites by XRD and XAFS Reiko Murao 英語 / English ISIJ International 2022 62 1159
17TGYS-8KX2 2019G117 9A/ 9A Solid polymorphism and dynamic magnetic properties of dodecylated vanadyl-porphyrinato complex: Spin-lattice relaxations modulated by phase stabilisation 堀井 洋司/Yoji HORII 英語 / English Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2022 9 6271
1808PW-E5UG 2019C213; 2020C106; 2021C111; 2022C102 9A/ 9A; 9A/ 9A; 9A/ 9A; 9A/ 9A Anomalous Cu phase observed at HIP bonded Fe?Cu interface 阿部 仁/Hitoshi ABE; Masahiro Onoi; Atsuro Kimura 英語 / English Journal of Chemical Physics 2022 157
19U8XC-VC5Y 2021G643 9A/ 9A; 12C/12C Impact of growth conditions on the structural and magnetic properties of (Zn,Fe)Te thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Indrajit Saha; 金澤 研; 仁谷 浩明; 黒田 眞司/Shinji KURODA 英語 / English Journal of Crystal Growth 2022 580 1
202D04-GABP 2020G081 12C; NW10A; 9A Cell population behavior of the unicellular red alga Galdieria sulphuraria during precious metal biosorption Ayumi Minoda; Shin-ishi Miyashita; Shin-ichi Fujii; Kazumi Inagaki; Yoshio Takahashi 英語 / English Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022 432
212ESB-XP9K 2020G081 12C; 9A Recovery of Au from dilute aqua regia solutions via adsorption on the lyophilized cells of a unicellular red alga Galdieria sulphuraria: A mechanism study Shin-ichi Miyashita; Toshihiko Ogura; Takahiro Kondo; Shin-ichi Fujii; Kazumi Inagaki; Yoshio Takahashi; Ayumi Minoda 英語 / English Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022 425
22XM25-S6KK 2020G080 9A/ 9A; NW10A/NW10A Cooperative Catalysis of Vibrationally Excited CO2 and Alloy Catalyst Breaks the Thermodynamic Equilibrium Limitation Dae-Yeong Kim, ; Hyungwon Ham; Xiaozhong Chen; LIU Shuai/Shuai LIU; XU HAORAN/HAORAN XU; LU Bang/Bang LU; Shinya Furukawa; Hyun-Ha Kim; 高草木 達/Satoru TAKAKUSAGI; Koichi Sasaki; Tomohiro Nozaki 英語 / English Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022 144 14140
23UH7B-A1NU 2020G643 9A High-Entropy Intermetallics Serve Ultrastable Single-Atom Pt for Propane Dehydrogenation Yuki Nakaya 英語 / English Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022 144 15944
24F44D-H79M 2021G563 9A/ 9A; 12C/12C; NW10A/NW10A Tuning of hole carrier density in p-type α-SnWO4 by exploiting oxygen defects 簔原 誠人/Makoto MINOHARA 英語 / English Materials Advances 2022 3 9111
25W8FN-YGAE 2019G023 9A/ 9A Improved Interface of Encapsulating Sm-Doped TiO2 Thin Films/RuO2 Schottky Diodes for a Junction Spectropy Measurement 村山 真理子/Mariko MURAYAMA 英語 / English Optics and Photonics Journal 2022 12 215
26FH8V-4CR3 2021G133 9A/ 9A; 12C/12C Co-sintering process of LiCoO2 cathodes and NASICON-type LATP solid electrolytes studied by X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption near edge structure / X線回折とX線吸収分光によるLiCoO2電極とNASICON型LATP固体電解質の共焼結過程の解明 市原 文彦/Fumihiko ICHIHARA; 増田 卓也; 三好 正悟 英語 / English Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2022 24 25878
27FVSX-Y41C 2020G105 9A Deep-red to near-infrared luminescence from Eu2+-trapped exciton states in YSiO2N Kitagawa Y. 英語 / English Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2022 24 4348
28G5D4-FGU5 2020G535; 2020G535 10A/10A; 9A; 9C; 10A/10A Formation of hematite spherules from metallic spherules by oxidative hydrothermal alteration: Implications for hematite spherules on Martian surface 邵 慧敏/Huimin SHAO; 吉朝 朗/Akira YOSHIASA; 北原 銀河/Ginga KITAHARA 英語 / English Planetary and Space Science 2022
29TND1-K5BT 2015G515; 2017G603; 2021PF-Q001 9A/ 9A; 9A/ 9A; 15A1/15A1; 9A/ 9A; 15A1/15A1 Broccoli microgreens treated with CaCl$_2$ solution absorb calcium atoms and accumulate them as Ca(II) hydrated ions 阿部 仁/Hitoshi ABE; 大下 宏美/Hiromi OSHITA 英語 / English Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2022 198 110260
30583P-XHGM 2022S2-001 15A1, 9A, 9C Persistent homology analysis with nonnegative matrix factorization for 3D voxel data of iron ore sinters Ippei Obayashi , Masao Kimura 英語 / English The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Letters 2022 14 151