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1YDNW-UMVS 2016G143 8A/ 8A Magnetism of pseudospin-1/2 pyrochlore antiferromagnet Na3Co(CO3)2Cl 那波 和宏/Kazuhiro NAWA; 奥山 大輔/Daisuke OKUYAMA 英語 / English Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2024 36
26EZP-J70B 2020S2‐001 8A, 8B, 7C Control of Polar/Antipolar Layered Organic Semiconductors by the Odd-Even Effect of Alkyl Chain Inoue S. 英語 / English Advanced Science 2024 11
3PTVN-K9AV 2023G059 8A Electron spin resonance spectroscopic evidence of the transition to a spin-singlet state in the monomer Mott insulator (BEDT-TTF)Cu[N(CN) 2]2 Nuryadin M. K. 英語 / English Physical Review B 2024 109
4XR1B-3G2D 2016G145 8A Role of Vanadium-Oxide Layer in Electronic State of Sr$_2$VFeAsO$_{3-\delta}$ with Oxygen Deficiency 中島 正道/Masamichi NAKAJIMA; 横田 裕章/Hiroaki YOKOTA; 脇村 泰平 / Taihei WAKIMURA; 竹内 徹也 / Tetsuya TAKEUCHI; 中村 昂矢 / Koya NAKAMURA; 八島 光晴 / Mitsuharu YASHIMA; 椋田 秀和 / Hidekazu MUKUDA; 宮坂 茂樹/Shigeki MIYASAKA; 田島 節子 / Setsuko TAJIMA 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2024 93
5CMWR-6HPA 2022G556 8A/ 8A; 8B/ 8B Odd-parity multipole order in the spin-orbit coupled metallic pyrochlore Pb2Re2O7-δ 中山 祐樹/Yuki NAKAYAMA; 平井 大悟郎/Daigorou HIRAI; 佐賀山 基/Hajime SAGAYAMA 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2024 8 55001-1
6BFHD-HUD3 2020S2-001 8A Close Stacking of Antiaromatic Ni(II) Norcorrole Originating from a Four-Electron Multicentered Bonding Interaction Rie Haruki; Reiji Kumai; Hiroshi Shinokubo 英語 / English Journal of the American Chemical Society 2024 146 9311
76DWA-UKWY 2019G558 4C/ 4C; 8A/ 8A Antiferromagnetic ordering and chiral crystal structure transformation in Nd$_3$Rh$_4$Sn$_{13}$ 下田 愛海/Ami SHIMODA; 岩佐 和晃/Kazuaki IWASA; 桑原 慶太郎/Keitaro KUWAHARA; 佐賀山 基 / Hajime Sagayama; 中尾 裕則 / Hironori Nakao; 石角元志 / Motoyuki Ishikado; 中尾 朗子 / Akiko Nakao; 河村 聖子 / Seiko Ohira-Kawamura; 村井 直樹 / Naoki Murai; 大原 高志 / Takashi Ohhara; 南部 雄亮 / Yusuke Nambu 英語 / English Physical Review B 2024 1
8TZJP-DSWN 2021S2-002; 2023G577 2A/2B/2A/2B; 4C/ 4C; 8A/ 8A Temperature-induced structural and electronic phase transitions in λ-phase Ti3O5 吉松 公平/Kohei YOSHIMATSU; 組頭 広志/Hiroshi KUMIGASHIRA 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2024 8 1
92VVB-VB52 2021G565 8A/ 8A Superconductivity in chiral cubic Y$_3$Rh$_4$Ge$_{13}$ Md Asif Afzal; Ryuji Higashinaka; 岩佐 和晃/Kazuaki IWASA 英語 / English Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2024 978 1
10UUWR-MF1C 2020S2-001, 7C 8A 7C, 8A Effects of Thiophene-Fused Isomer on High-Layered Crystallinity in π-Extended and Alkylated Organic Semiconductors Higashino T. 英語 / English Chemistry of Materials 2024 36 848
11Y0YD-7Y74 8A Breathing pyrochlore magnet CuGaCr4 S8: Magnetic, thermodynamic, and dielectric properties Gen, Masaki 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2023 7
1234HH-12U8 2021G057 8A; 14A Single Crystal Growth of Ilmenite-Type MnVO3 by Solid-State Recrystallization Sachiko Kamiyama; Terutoshi Sakakura; Hiroyuki Kimura; Hajime Sagayama; Shunji Kishimoto; Ikuya Yamada; Hajime Yamamoto 英語 / English Crystal Growth & Design 2023 13 2295
13HEFA-B7U7 2017S2-001 8A, 8B Collective bending motion of a two-dimensionally correlated bowl-stacked columnar liquid crystalline assembly under a shear force YOSHIAKI SHOJI 英語 / English Science Advances 2023 9
1497DT-KKK0 2017G175 8A Investigation of the phonon dispersion associated with superlattice reflections in the BiS2 -based superconductor LaBiS2 O0.5 F0.5 Hiromu Tamatsukuri 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107
155YE1-NYZN 2017S2-001, 2020S2-001 8A, 8B Temperature-induced transformation between layered herringbone polymorphs in molecular bilayer organic semiconductors Arai S. 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2023 7 25602
16PRRG-M00E 2021G596, 2021PF-G015 8A, 8B, 3A, 4C Space-Group Determination of Superlattice Structure Due to Electric Toroidal Ordering in Ca5Ir3O12 花手 洋樹/Hiroki HANATE; 筒井 智嗣/Satoshi TSUTSUI; 矢島 健/Takeshi YAJIMA; 松平 和之/Kazuyuki MATSUHIRA 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2023 92 063601
17FT8M-BZNH 2019G558; 2021G565 4C/ 4C; 8A/ 8A; 4C/ 4C; 8A/ 8A Magnetic Ordering and Structural Phase Transitions of Nd$_3T_4$Sn$_{13}$ ($T$ = Rh and Ir) 下田 愛海/Ami SHIMODA; 岩佐 和晃/Kazuaki IWASA; 桑原 慶太郎/Keitaro KUWAHARA; 佐賀山 基 / Hajime Sagayama; 中尾 裕則 / Hironori Nakao; 石角 元志 / Motoyuki Ishikado; 大原 高志 / Takashi Ohhara; 中尾 朗子 / Akiko Nakao; 星川 晃範 / Akinori Hoshikawa; 石垣 徹 / Toru Ishigaki 英語 / English 日本物理学会・Proc / The Physical Society of Japan Conference Proceeding 2023 38 1
185FRG-ZCCR 2018S2-006 8A Possible helimagnetic order in Co4+-containing perovskites Sr1- xCaxCoO3 Takahashi, Hidefumi 英語 / English APL Materials 2022 10
19A029-GBMS 2020S2-001 8A/ 8A Mixing-Induced Orientational Ordering in Liquid-Crystalline Organic Semiconductors Kiyoshi Nikaido 英語 / English Advanced Materials Interfaces 2022 9
20W4N5-2KGV 2020S2-001 8A/ 8A Highly stable and isomorphic donor?acceptor stacking in a family of n-type organic semiconductors of BTBT?TCNQ derivatives Satoshi Matsuoka 英語 / English Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2022 10 16471
21ZN9N-DZDF 2019G572 8A/ 8A Effect of Co-Substitution on Hydrogen Absorption and Desorption Reactions of YMgNi4-Based Alloys 佐藤 豊人/Toyoto SATO 英語 / English Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2022 126 16943
22E21B-YGBA 8A Complex magnetic phase diagram with a small phase pocket in a three-dimensional frustrated magnet CuInCr 4 S 8 M. Gen 英語 / English Physical Review Research 2022 4
238UJX-9KMU 2018S2-006 8A Spin-charge coupling and decoupling in perovskite-type iron oxides ( Sr 1 ? x Ba x ) 2 / 3 La 1 / 3 FeO 3 M. Onose 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2022 6
24UB8V-HY7M 2014G597 8A Physical properties and phase diagram of single crystal REBaMn2O6 (RE = Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, and Y) S. Yamada 英語 / English Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2022 315
25DS0V-ZT7E 2020S2-001 8A Competing ferroelectric polarization: hydroxyl flip-flop versus proton-transfer mechanisms Shimoi Y. 英語 / English Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2022 10 10099
26WB09-VVG0 2020S2-001 8A Emerging Disordered Layered-Herringbone Phase in Organic Semiconductors Unveiled by Electron Crystallography Inoue S. 英語 / English Chemistry of Materials 2022 34 72
271U5G-E80F 2018G102 8A/ 8A A ring of grids: a giant spin-crossover cluster / A ring of grids: a giant spin-crossover cluster 志賀 拓也/Takuya SHIGA; 立花 美奈水/Minami TACHIBANA; 佐賀山 基; 熊井 玲児; 二瓶 雅之/Masayuki NIHEI; Newton N Graham; 大塩 寛紀/Hiroki OSHIO 英語 / English Chemical Communications 2021 57 10162
287MUA-1N5C 2017G636, No. 2019T003, 2020G666 8A, 8B Spin-gap formation due to spin-Peierls instability in -orbital-ordered Miyajima M. 英語 / English Physical Review B 2021 104
29D01D-N46W 2019G558 8A/ 8A Magnetic Excitations in Chiral-Structure Phase of Ce3Ir4Sn13 岩佐 和晃/Kazuaki IWASA; 中里 晟也/Seiya NAKAZATO; 橋本 大輔/Daisuke HASHIMOTO; 塩澤 真未/Mami SHIOZAWA; 桑原 慶太郎/Keitaro KUWAHARA; 佐賀山 基 / Hajime Sagayama; 河村 聖子 / Seiko Ohira-Kawamura; 村井 直樹 / Naoki Murai; Devashibhai T. Adroja; Andr? M. Strydom 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2021 90 1
30ASM9-URBR 2017G175; 2014G647 8A/ 8A; 8B/ 8B; NE1A/NE1A; 4C/ 4C; 8B/ 8B; NE1A/NE1A; 8A/ 8A Transverse-type Lattice Modulation in LaO0.5F0.5BiS2: Possible Charge Density Wave Formation 佐賀山 基/Hajime SAGAYAMA 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2021 90 103601(1)
31ABE2-H4N1 2015T004, 2017G175, 2020R-05 8A Antiferromagnetic-to-ferrimagnetic phase transition with large electric-polarization change in a frustrated polar magnet CaBaCo4 O7 Omi T. 英語 / English Physical Review B 2021 103
32FJVN-W8AF 2017S2-001 8A/ 8A Effect of Alkyl Chain Length on Charge Transport Property of Anthracene-Based Organic Semiconductors 横森 創/So YOKOMORI; 上田 顕/Akira UEDA; 亀山 亮平/Ryohei KAMEYAMA; 熊井 玲児/Reiji KUMAI 英語 / English ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021 13 989
33NNU6-419B 2020S2-001 8A/ 8A Modulation of the electronic states and magnetic properties of nickel catecholdithiolene complex by oxidation-coupled deprotonation 横森 創/So YOKOMORI; 出倉 駿/Dekura SHUN; 熊井 玲児/Reiji KUMAI 英語 / English Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2021 9 10718
34YMEP-EMTV 2016G145; 2017G044; 2012S2-005 8B/ 8B; 8A/ 8A; 8B/ 8B; 8A/ 8A; 8B/ 8B Importance of $d_{xy}$ orbital and electron correlation in iron-based superconductors revealed by phase diagram for 1111-system 川嶋 強/Tsuyoshi KAWASHIMA; 宮坂 茂樹/Shigeki MIYASAKA; 辻 拡和/Hirokazu TSUJI; 山本 高寛/Takahiro YAMAMOTO; 上久保 将大/Masahiro UEKUBO; 竹森 章/Akira TAKEMORI; LAI Kwing To/Kwing To LAI; 田島 節子 / Setsuko TAJIMA 英語 / English Scientific Reports 2021 11 10006-1
351Y68-A77D 2017S2-001 8A/ 8A High-pressure phase diagrams of FeSe$_{1?x}$Te$_{x}$: correlation between suppressed nematicity and enhanced superconductivity 向笠 清隆/Kiyotaka MUKASA; K. Matsuura; 邱 明?/Mingwei QIU; 斎藤 三樹彦/Mikihiko SAITO; Y. Sugimura; 石田 浩祐/Kousuke ISHIDA; M. Otani; Y. Onishi; 水上 雄太/Yuta MIZUKAMI; 橋本 顕一郎/Kenichiro HASHIMOTO; J. Gouchi; 熊井 玲児/Reiji KUMAI; Y. Uwatoko; T. Shibauchi 英語 / English Nature Communications 2021 12 381
364G6P-D9WJ 2014G710 8A Large-Amplitude Thermal Vibration-Coupled Valence Tautomeric Transition Observed in a Conductive One-Dimensional Rhodium?Dioxolene Complex Miyazaki, Yuji 英語 / English Chemistry - A European Journal 2021 27 1
377J9T-JHRS 2016G175 8A Reentrant Spin Glass and Large Coercive Field Observed in a Spin Integer Dimerized Honeycomb Lattice Zhai, Y. -Q. 英語 / English Advanced Functional Materials 2021 31
38ZMMR-GEGS 2019G572 8A/ 8A Crystal Structural Investigations for Understanding the Hydrogen Storage Properties of YMgNi4-Based Alloys 佐藤 豊人/Toyoto SATO; 望月 智裕/Tomohiro MOCHIZUKI; Kazutaka Ikeda; Takashi Honda; Toshiya Otomo; Hajime Sagayama; Heena Yang; Wen Luo; Loris Lombardo; Andreas Z?ttel; Shigeyuki Takagi; Tatsuoki Kono; Shin-ichi Orimo 英語 / English ACS Omega 2020 5 31192
39USVA-FFP4 2018S2-006 8A/ 8A Complete phase diagram of Sr1?xLaxFeO3 with versatile magnetic and charge ordering 小野瀬 雅穂/Masaho ONOSE 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2020 4
40BWWK-V41R 2017S2-001 8A Band-like transporting and thermally durable V-shaped organic semiconductors with a phenyl key block Sawabe, C 英語 / English Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2020 8 14172
41W0C1-CJBR 2017S2-001 8A Alkyl-Substituted Selenium-Bridged V-Shaped Organic Semiconductors Exhibiting High Hole Mobility and Unusual Aggregation Behavior Okamoto, T. 英語 / English Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020 142 14974
42Y5N0-YTEW 2017S2-001 8A q = 0 long-range magnetic order in centennialite CaCu3(OD)6Cl2・0.6D2O: A spin-1/2 perfect kagome antiferromagnet with J1-J2-Jd K. Iida 英語 / English Physical Review B 2020 101
437GXY-7GFN 2017S2-001 8A/ 8A; 8A/ 8A; 8B/ 8B Metaelectric multiphase transitions in a highly polarizable molecular crystal Sachio Horiuchi; Shoji Ishibashi; Rie Haruki; Reiji Kumai; Satoshi Inada; Shigenobu Aoyagi 英語 / English Chemical Science 2020 11 6183
445PT2-CYFV 2019G145 8A/ 8A; 8B/ 8B Antiferromagnetic long-range order in the 5 d 1 double-perovskite Sr2MgReO6 Shang Gao; 平井 大悟郎/Daigorou HIRAI; 佐賀山 基/Hajime SAGAYAMA; Hiroyuki OHSUMI /大隅寛幸; Zenji Hiroi / 廣井善二; Taka-hisa Arima / 有馬孝尚 英語 / English Physical Review B 2020 101 220412(R)(1)
45HB5R-RUUC 2019G145 8A/ 8A; 8B/ 8B; NE1A/NE1A Detection of multipolar orders in the spin-orbit-coupled 5 d Mott insulator B a 2 MgRe O 6 平井 大悟郎/Daigorou HIRAI; 佐賀山 基/Hajime SAGAYAMA; Shang Gao; Hiroyuki OHSUMI / 大隅 寛幸; Gang Chen; Taka-hisa ARIMA / 有馬孝尚; Zenji Hiroi / 廣井善二 英語 / English Physical Review Research 2020 2 022063(R) (1)
46MKU1-1JWE 2012S2-005 8A/ 8A Magnetically induced electric polarization in Ba_{3}Fe_{2}O_{5}Cl_{2} with tunable direction in three dimensions N. Abe 英語 / English Physical Review B 2020 101 180407(R)(1)
47PX6W-H36U 2017G576 4C/ 4C; 8A/ 8A; 8B/ 8B Successive Phase Transitions in R3Ir4Sn13 (R: La and Ce) Investigated Using Neutron and X-ray Diffraction 中里 晟也/Seiya NAKAZATO; 岩佐 和晃/Kazuaki IWASA; 橋本 大輔/Daisuke HASHIMOTO; 塩澤 真未/Mami SHIOZAWA 英語 / English 日本物理学会・Proc / The Physical Society of Japan Conference Proceeding 2020 30 1
486RAG-M326 2017S2-001 8A/ 8A; 8B/ 8B Incorporating Spacer Molecules into the Tetrathiafulvalene?p-Chloranil Charge-Transfer Framework: Modulating the Neutral?Ionic Phase Transition Yukihiro Takahashi; Mika Takehisa; Eri Tanaka; Jun Harada; Reiji Kumai; Tamotsu Inabe 英語 / English Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2020 11 1336
49G11S-K7SU 2016S2-004 8A/ 8A; NW10A/NW10A Polar nano-region structure in the oxynitride perovskite LaTiO2N Jun-ichi Yamaura 英語 / English Chemical Communications 2020 56 1385
5090FM-MV9U 8A Molecular diamond lattice antiferromagnet as a Dirac semimetal candidate Shimizu, Y. 英語 / English Physical Review B 2019 99