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7件ヒットしました ( 1 - 7 )
検索条件   ビームライン(8A) and 発表年(2023)
[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
134HH-12U8 2021G057 8A; 14A Single Crystal Growth of Ilmenite-Type MnVO3 by Solid-State Recrystallization Sachiko Kamiyama; Terutoshi Sakakura; Hiroyuki Kimura; Hajime Sagayama; Shunji Kishimoto; Ikuya Yamada; Hajime Yamamoto 英語 / English Crystal Growth & Design 2023 13 2295
2PRRG-M00E 2021G596, 2021PF-G015 8A, 8B, 3A, 4C Space-Group Determination of Superlattice Structure Due to Electric Toroidal Ordering in Ca5Ir3O12 花手 洋樹/Hiroki HANATE; 筒井 智嗣/Satoshi TSUTSUI; 矢島 健/Takeshi YAJIMA; 松平 和之/Kazuyuki MATSUHIRA 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2023 92 063601
397DT-KKK0 2017G175 8A Investigation of the phonon dispersion associated with superlattice reflections in the BiS2 -based superconductor LaBiS2 O0.5 F0.5 Hiromu Tamatsukuri 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107
45YE1-NYZN 2017S2-001, 2020S2-001 8A, 8B Temperature-induced transformation between layered herringbone polymorphs in molecular bilayer organic semiconductors Arai S. 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2023 7 25602
5Y0YD-7Y74 8A Breathing pyrochlore magnet CuGaCr4 S8: Magnetic, thermodynamic, and dielectric properties Gen, Masaki 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2023 7
6HEFA-B7U7 2017S2-001 8A, 8B Collective bending motion of a two-dimensionally correlated bowl-stacked columnar liquid crystalline assembly under a shear force YOSHIAKI SHOJI 英語 / English Science Advances 2023 9
7FT8M-BZNH 2019G558; 2021G565 4C/ 4C; 8A/ 8A; 4C/ 4C; 8A/ 8A Magnetic Ordering and Structural Phase Transitions of Nd$_3T_4$Sn$_{13}$ ($T$ = Rh and Ir) 下田 愛海/Ami SHIMODA; 岩佐 和晃/Kazuaki IWASA; 桑原 慶太郎/Keitaro KUWAHARA; 佐賀山 基 / Hajime Sagayama; 中尾 裕則 / Hironori Nakao; 石角 元志 / Motoyuki Ishikado; 大原 高志 / Takashi Ohhara; 中尾 朗子 / Akiko Nakao; 星川 晃範 / Akinori Hoshikawa; 石垣 徹 / Toru Ishigaki 英語 / English 日本物理学会・Proc / The Physical Society of Japan Conference Proceeding 2023 38 1