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1N37S-E9ZS 2019S2-003 7A/ 7A Electron Correlation Enhances Orbital Polarization at a Ferromagnetic Metal/Insulator Interface: Depth-Resolved X?ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism and First-Principles Study 坂本 祥哉/Shoya SAKAMOTO; Masahito TSUJIKAWA; Masafumi SHIRAI; 雨宮 健太/Kenta AMEMIYA; 三輪 真嗣/Shinji MIWA 英語 / English ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2022 4 1794
2G7Y0-RYAF 2021G518 7A/ 7A Mixing nitrogen-containing compounds for synthesis of porous boron nitride for improved porosity, surface functionality, and solid base catalytic activity 高垣 敦/Atsushi TAKAGAKI; 吉田 真明/Masaaki YOSHIDA; 芦村 秀/Shu ASHIMURA 英語 / English Applied Catalysis A 2022 638
38A8S-X1BR 2019G674; 2020G654 7A/ 7A; 16A/16A; 9A/ 9A Development of a MnOOH Mineral Electrocatalyst for Water Splitting by Controlling the Surface Defects of a Naturally Occurring Ore 吉田 真明/Masaaki YOSHIDA 英語 / English Chemistry Letters 2022 51 50
46537-X918 2019G674; 2020G654 7A/ 7A; 16A/16A; 9A/ 9A Enhanced Electrochromic Properties of Hierarchical Iron Oxyhydroxide Hollow Sphere Array 吉田 真明/Masaaki YOSHIDA 英語 / English Chemistry Letters 2022 51 227
5XPAB-EB7D 2021G518; 2020G654 7A/ 7A; 16A/16A; 9A/ 9A Development of a MnCO3-based Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation from Rhodochrosite Ore / Development of a MnCO3-based Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation from Rhodochrosite Ore 吉田 真明/Masaaki YOSHIDA 英語 / English Chemistry Letters 2022 51 723
6CAJY-V58F 2019G674; 2020G654; 2021G518 7A/ 7A; 16A/16A; 9A/ 9A; 7A/ 7A; 16A/16A Development of a Hemispherical Cavity Cobalt Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation Based on a Polystyrene Colloidal Template Electrodeposition Method / Development of a Hemispherical Cavity Cobalt Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation Based on a Polystyrene Colloidal Template Electrodeposition Method 吉田 真明/Masaaki YOSHIDA 英語 / English ChemistrySelect 2022 7
73MFR-PTPZ 2019G674; 2020G654 7A/ 7A; 12C/12C Synergistic effect of Cu and Ru decoration on g-C3N4 for electrocatalytic CO2 reduction 吉田 真明/Masaaki YOSHIDA 英語 / English Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 2022 115 329
842UA-57DM 2019G028 7A/ 7A Structure and magnetism in metastable bcc Co1??Mn? epitaxial films 岡林 潤/Jun OKABAYASHI 英語 / English Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2022 548 1
9H3E3-38JK 2021G069 7A/ 7A Tracing magnetic atom diffusion with annealing at the interface between CoMn alloy and MnGa layer by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism 岡林 潤/Jun OKABAYASHI 英語 / English Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2022 564 1
10X38N-A1N4 2019S2-003 7A/ 7A Study on FeCr thin film for a spintronic material with negative spin polarization 首藤 浩文/Hirofumi SUTO; 雨宮 健太/Kenta AMEMIYA; 桜庭 裕弥/Yuya SAKURABA 英語 / English Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2022 557
11EA0W-XA28 2021G626; 2019G621; 2017G560 7A/ 7A; 7A/ 7A; 7A/ 7A Observation of Hole States at Perylene/Au(110) and Au(111) Interfaces 遠藤 理/Osamu ENDO 英語 / English Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2022 126 15971
12KSNC-YY3N 2021G069 7A/ 7A; 16A/16A Origin of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in CoxFe3?xO4+δ thin films studied by x-ray magnetic circular and linear dichroisms 岡林 潤/Jun OKABAYASHI 英語 / English Physical Review B 2022 105 1
13AH24-G2J0 2019S2-003 16A/16A; 7A/ 7A Determination of Anisotropy in Magnetic Moments at the Interface of Au/Co/Au Thin Film without Thickness-Dependent Experiment 雨宮 健太/Kenta AMEMIYA; 阪田 薫穂 / Kaoruho SAKATA 英語 / English Physical Review B 2022 106
146RD0-6K69 2017G558 7A, 9C Recent Progress in Magnetic Nanostructures Studied by Synchrotron Radiation Miyanaga T. 英語 / English Topics in Applied Physics 2022 144 223