更新日 : 2024/12/27 

   件数 : 21,637件    




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13件ヒットしました ( 1 - 13 )
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1PMBK-NJ5J 2020G503 6C/ 6C One-Nanometer-Thick Interfaces of Titania Nanosheets for Reversible Zn-Metal Electrodes 坂井 伸行/Nobuyuki SAKAI 英語 / English ACS Materials Letters 2023 5 2156
21MP7-MJXX 2020G503; 2022G501 6C/ 6C; 6C/ 6C Thermal and Chemical Phase Engineering of Two-Dimensional Ruthenate 坂井 伸行/Nobuyuki SAKAI 英語 / English ACS Nano 2023 17 12305
3GZJV-920E 2020G503 6C/ 6C Revisiting the two-dimensional structure and reduction process of graphene oxide with in-plane X-ray diffraction 坂井 伸行/Nobuyuki SAKAI; 佐々木 高義/Takayoshi SASAKI 英語 / English Carbon 2023 202 26
4PHYS-C80K 2020G503 6C/ 6C Monolayer Iron and Iron-Rich Hydroxide Nanosheets Exfoliated from High-Quality Green Rust for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Reaction 坂井 伸行/Nobuyuki SAKAI; 佐々木 高義/Takayoshi SASAKI 英語 / English Chemistry of Materials 2023 35 1769
5GVBB-6CJU 2022G501 6C/ 6C Gentle, Spontaneous Delamination of Layered Titanate Yielding New Types of Lithium Titanate Nanosheets 坂井 伸行/Nobuyuki SAKAI 英語 / English Chemistry of Materials 2023 35 7208
6CG09-0R8M 2020G503 6C/ 6C Exfoliating layered zeolite MFI into unilamellar nanosheets in solution as precursors for the synthesis of hierarchical nanocomposites and oriented films 佐々木 高義/Takayoshi SASAKI; 海老名 保男/Yasuo EBINA; 坂井 伸行/Nobuyuki SAKAI 英語 / English Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2023 10 1511
7FAVK-NRNZ 2022G639 6C/ 6C Local atomic structure of V-doped BiFeO3 thin films measured by X-ray fluorescence holography Kazuki Arima; 中嶋 誠二/Seiji NAKASHIMA; Koji Kimura; Koich Hayashi; Naohisa Hppo; Hironori Fujisawa 英語 / English Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2023 62 1
8VWM7-YMYT 2021G618 6C/ 6C Structure of hexagonal ζ-AlMnCo Y. Makino, T Kawamata K. Sugiyama 英語 / English Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2023 2461
9U1C1-NN9A 2020G503 6C/ 6C CNT?MXene ultralight membranes: fabrication, surface nano/microstructure, 2D?3D stacking architecture, ion-transport mechanism, and potential application as interlayers for Li?O2 batteries 坂井 伸行/Nobuyuki SAKAI 英語 / English Nanoscale 2023 15 8289
10MVTB-KV6M 2021G043; 2018G598 6C/ 6C; 6C/ 6C Platinum nanosheets synthesized via topotactic reduction of single-layer platinum oxide nanosheets for electrocatalysis Daisuke Takimoto; Shino Toma; Yuya Suda; Tomoki Shirokura; Yuki Tokura; 福田 勝利/Katsutoshi FUKUDA; Masashi Matsumoto; Hideto Imai; Wataru Sugimoto 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
11NMAW-6KWD 2020G503 6C/ 6C Porous and Partially Dehydrogenated Fe2+-Containing Iron Oxyhydroxide Nanosheets for Efficient Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction Reaction (ENRR) 坂井 伸行/Nobuyuki SAKAI 英語 / English Small 2023 19
128EEX-CM56 2020G581 6C/ 6C Single Crystal Growth with Flux Method and Local Structure Analysis around Fe Using X-ray Fluorescence Holography for Multiferroic Pb(Fe1/2Ta1/2)O3 井上 雄登/Yuto INOUE; 木村 耕治/Koji KIMURA; 八方 直久/Naohisa HAPPO 英語 / English e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 2023 21
13RV4H-MZ28 2020G081 6C Local Structures of Fe0.08Co0.92 Studied by X-ray Fluorescence Holography Fukui Y. 英語 / English e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 2023 21 305