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1KYA0-W2X5 2016G516 5A Neutron Crystallography of a Semiquinone Radical Intermediate of Copper Amine Oxidase Reveals a Substrate-Assisted Conformational Change of the Peptidyl Quinone Cofactor Murakawa T. 英語 / English ACS Catalysis 2023 13 12403
2VF29-11ZZ 2017G574; 2019G548; 2021G672 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A Mechanisms of Sugar Aminotransferase-like Enzymes to Synthesize Stereoisomers of Non-proteinogenic Amino Acids in Natural Product Biosynthesis 黒澤 菫/Sumire KUROSAWA; 吉田 彩子/Ayako YOSHIDA; 富田 武郎/Takeo TOMITA; 古園 さおり/Saori KOSONO; 西山 真/Makoto NISHIYAMA 英語 / English ACS Chemical Biology 2023 18 385
3MZ6P-MY2A 2020G533; 2022G506 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A Structure-Based Analysis of Transient Interactions between Ketosynthase-like Decarboxylase and Acyl Carrier Protein in a Loading Module of Modular Polyketide Synthase 宮永 顕正/Akimasa MIYANAGA; 千菅 太一/Taichi Chisuga 英語 / English ACS Chemical Biology 2023 18 1398
4Z5JE-RNX0 2020G533 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A Structural Basis of Amide-Forming Adenylation Enzyme VinM in Vicenistatin Biosynthesis 宮永 顕正/Akimasa MIYANAGA; 千菅 太一/Taichi Chisuga 英語 / English ACS Chemical Biology 2023 18 2343
5YV44-VYW8 5A, 10C Difference in the Inhibitory Effect of Thiol Compounds and Demetallation Rates from the Zn(II) Active Site of Metallo-β-lactamases (IMP-1 and IMP-6) Associated with a Single Amino Acid Substitution Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro 英語 / English ACS Infectious Diseases 2023 9 65
6Z1HZ-BXU1 2016G102; 2022G009 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A Ligand Screening System for the RXRα Heterodimer Using the Fluorescence RXR Agonist CU-6PMN 中野 祥吾/Shogo NAKANO 英語 / English ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2023 14 291
7TGKB-M8G2 2020G633 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A Structure of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-bound D-threonine aldolase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 平戸 祐喜/Yuki HIRATO; 後藤 勝/Masaru GOTOU; 溝渕 太一 / Taichi Mizobuchi 英語 / English Acta Crystallographica Section F 2023 79 31
8W9VX-0D40 5A , NW12A Crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of the plant-specific microtubule-associated protein Spiral2 Marina Ohno 英語 / English Acta Crystallographica Section F 2023 79 17
94Z8R-W9JA 2015G094, 2016G137 5A Expression, purification and crystallization of N-acetyl-(R)-β-phenylalanine acylases derived from Burkholderia sp. AJ110349 and Variovorax sp. AJ110348 and structure determination of the Burkholderia enzyme Kato, Yuki 英語 / English Acta Crystallographica Section F 2023 79 70
10HT75-0MFK 2019G518; 2021G508; 2023G617; 2021G013; 2019G508; 2020G580 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A Direct relationship between dimeric form and activity in the acidic copper-zinc superoxide dismutase from lemon 吉田 裕美/Hiromi YOSHIDA 英語 / English Acta Crystallographica Section F 2023 79 301
112Z09-Z917 2019RP-02; 2020RP-19; 2021PF-B007; 2022PF-B004 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A Functional and Structural Insights into the Human PPARα/δ/γ Targeting Preferences of Anti-NASH Investigational Drugs, Lanifibranor, Seladelpar, and Elafibranor 鎌田 祥太郎/Shotaro KAMATA; Takuji OYAMA 英語 / English Antioxidants 2023 12
123AVD-WGJW 2016G013; 2016G532; 2017G051; 2017G513; 2017G610; 2018G538; 2019G097; 2019G508; 2019G518; 2020G580; 2021G013; 2021G508; 2022G538 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A Introducing Intermolecular Interaction to Strengthen the Stability of MnSOD Dimer 吉田 裕美/Hiromi YOSHIDA 英語 / English Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2023 195 4537
13D0RN-4VXC 2016G532; 2017G610; 2018G538; 2019G508; 2019G518; 2020G580; 2021G508 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A Structural and biochemical characterizations of Thermus thermophilus HB8 transketolase producing a heptulose 神鳥 成弘/Shigehiro KAMITORI; 吉田 裕美/Hiromi YOSHIDA 英語 / English Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2023 107 233
14KNCM-26CA 2022G588 5A/ 5A Synthesis of triazolo[c]coumarins and differences in the fluorescence properties of their isomers. / Synthesis of triazolo[c]coumarins and differences in the fluorescence properties of their isomers. 石田 寛明/Hiroaki ISHIDA 英語 / English Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2023 12 e202300013
15V5SC-78GG 2022G538; 2020G580 NE3A/NE3A; 5A/ 5A X-ray structures of Enterobacter cloacae allose-binding protein in complexes with monosaccharides demonstrate its unique recognition mechanism for high affinity to allose 神鳥 成弘/Shigehiro KAMITORI 英語 / English Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2023 682 187
16YR2E-S394 2018G507; 2020G533 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A Structural Basis of Transient Interactions of Acyltransferase VinK with the Loading Acyl Carrier Protein of the Vicenistatin Modular Polyketide Synthase 宮永 顕正/Akimasa MIYANAGA; 千菅 太一/Taichi Chisuga; 工藤 史貴/Fumitaka KUDO 英語 / English Biochemistry 2023 62 17
176G13-31XM 2021G143 5A/ 5A Two different alanine dehydrogenases from Geobacillus kaustophilus: their biochemical characteristics and differential expression in vegetative cells and spores Miku Maeno 英語 / English Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics 2023 1871 140904
18VCKV-VFKG 2018G658; 2018RP-21; 2019RP-02; 2020RP-19; 2021PF-B007; 2022PF-B004; 2022G663 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A Current Clinical Trial Status and Future Prospects of PPAR-Targeted Drugs for Treating Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 鎌田 祥太郎/Shotaro KAMATA 英語 / English Biomolecules 2023 13
191E9P-W55G 5A Description of peptide bond planarity from high-resolution neutron crystallography Yuya Hanazono 英語 / English Biophysics and Physicobiology 2023 20
205MMB-VSXR 2021G519; 2019G508; 2017G513 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; 17A/17A Characterization and alteration of product specificity of Beijerinckia indica subsp. indica β-fructosyltransferase LI DING/DING LI; 宮坂 祐希/Yuki MIYASAKA; 窪田 有紗/Arisa KUBOTA; 西河 淳/Atsushi NISHIKAWA; 殿塚 隆史/Takashi TONOZUKA 英語 / English Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 2023 87 981
2109BF-S2T4 2017G033 5A New insights into the oxidation process from neutron and X-ray crystal structures of an O2-sensitive [NiFe]-hydrogenase Hiromoto, Takeshi 英語 / English Chemical Science 2023 14 9306
22VHPA-MX5A 2021G046 5A Synthesis, Structures, and Complexation with Phenolic Guests of Acridone-Incorporated Arylene?Ethynylene Macrocyclic Compounds Komori, Takashi 英語 / English Chemistry - An Asian Journal 2023 18
23J40H-NVX1 2021G046 5A Controlling the Assembly of PdII/Bianthryl-Based Monomeric and Dimeric Interlocked Cages by Steric Effects Sota Watanabe 英語 / English ChemistryEurope 2023 1
24KNSG-XW79 2020G527; 2022G523 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A Identification of enzymatic functions of osmo-regulated periplasmic glucan biosynthesis proteins from Escherichia coli reveals a novel glycoside hydrolase family 元内 省/Sei MOTOUCHI; 中島 将博/Masahiro NAKAJIMA 英語 / English Communications Biology 2023 6
25CEBY-WJ1E 2022G009 5A/ 5A Structural and functional analysis of hyper-thermostable ancestral L-amino acid oxidase that can convert Trp derivatives to D-forms by chemoenzymatic reaction 中野 祥吾/Shogo NAKANO 英語 / English Communications Chemistry 2023 6
26S1HJ-VK3T 5A Development of a novel single-chain L-glutamate oxidase from Streptomyces sp. X-119?6 by inserting flexible linkers Yamaguchi, Hiroki 英語 / English Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2023 170
27GAFS-XYZU 2020G533 5A/ 5A Biochemical and crystallographic assessments of the effect of 4,6-O-disulfated disaccharide moieties in chondroitin sulfate E on chondroitinase ABC I activity 宮永 顕正/Akimasa MIYANAGA 英語 / English FEBS Journal 2023 290 2379
2868VM-YZYA 2021G013; 2023G026 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A Structure?function analysis of bacterial GH31 α-galactosidases specific for α-(1→4)-galactobiose 池谷 真里奈/Marina IKEGAYA; Enoch Y. Park; 宮崎 剛亜/Takatsugu MIYAZAKI 英語 / English FEBS Journal 2023 290 4984
29GUP2-RB0Y 2017G167; 2019G027; 2021G031 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A Protonation states of Asp residues in the human Nudix hydrolase MTH1 contribute to its broad substrate recognition 中村 照也/Teruya NAKAMURA; 山縣 ゆり子/Yuriko YAMAGATA 英語 / English FEBS Letters 2023 597 1770
304ZSB-TBDM 2022G538 5A/ 5A Structural and biochemical characterization of Clostridium perfringens pili protein B collagen-binding domains 神鳥 成弘/Shigehiro KAMITORI 英語 / English FEBS Letters 2023 597 1345
31ANKC-F8NY 2015G511; 2017G006 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A Structural and mutational analyses of decarboxylated osteocalcin provide insight into its adiponectin-inducing activity Mineyuki Mizuguchi 英語 / English FEBS Letters 2023 597 1479
32G27U-YAPK 2022G643 5A Single-Crystal Structures of Benzenehexathiol and Its Disulfide Forms Chiba Y. 英語 / English Inorganic Chemistry 2023 62
33E3P5-G186 2022G502 5A First crystal structure of an NADP+-dependent l-arginine dehydrogenase belonging to the μ-crystallin family 米田 一成/Kazunari YONEDA; Ryushi Kawakami 英語 / English International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2023 249 1
34BFEW-DAGJ 2021G058 5A/ 5A Crystal structure of the sliding DNA clamp from the Gram-positive anaerobic bacterium Clostridioides difficile 菱木 麻美/Asami HISHIKI; 岡﨑 菫 / Sumire Okazaki; 原 幸大 / Kodai Hara; 橋本 博 / Hiroshi Hashimoto 英語 / English Journal of Biochemistry 2023 173 13
35RS6V-29PJ 2017G142; 2019G080 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A Structural insights into the substrate recognition of serine palmitoyltransferase from Sphingobacterium multivorum 生城浩子/Hiroko Ikushiro; 村上大毅; 宮原 郁子/Ikuko MIYAHARA; 神谷 信夫/Nobuo Kamiya; 矢野 貴人/Takato Yano 英語 / English Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 299
366JWT-3FSJ 2021G013 5A/ 5A Bacteroidota polysaccharide utilization system for branched dextran exopolysaccharides from lactic acid bacteria 中村 駿太郎/Shuntaro NAKAMURA; 倉田 陸矢/Rikuya KURATA; 殿塚隆史; 舟根和美; 朴龍洙; 宮崎 剛亜/Takatsugu MIYAZAKI 英語 / English Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 299
37YU07-CDN4 2021G582 5A An ependymin-related blue carotenoprotein decorates marine blue sponge Kawasaki S. 英語 / English Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 299
38GEZ3-VV07 2022G098 5A/ 5A Targeting hemoglobin receptors IsdH and IsdB of Staphylococcus aureus with a single VHH antibody inhibits bacterial growth 中木戸 誠/Makoto NAKAKIDO; 津本 浩平/Kouhei TSUMOTO; 長門石 曉/Satoru NAGATOISHI; MARTINEZ CAAVEIRO Jose Manuel/Jose Manuel MARTINEZ CAAVEIRO; VALENCIANO Bellido Sandra/Sandora Beriido Barenshiano 英語 / English Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 299 104927
39S34V-MM8C 2022G098 5A/ 5A Anti-InlA single-domain antibodies that inhibit the cell invasion of Listeria monocytogenes 津本 浩平/Kouhei TSUMOTO; 長門石 曉/Satoru NAGATOISHI; 中木戸 誠/Makoto NAKAKIDO; MARTINEZ CAAVEIRO Jose Manuel/Jose Manuel MARTINEZ CAAVEIRO 英語 / English Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 299 105254
40B8EC-VSPW 2018G520; 2022G603 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A Crystal structure of ricin toxin A chain complexed with a highly potent pterin-based small-molecular inhibitor 後藤 勝/Masaru GOTOU; Natsumi SAKAMOTO; 東 翔子/Shoko HIGASHI; Rena KAWATA; Kazuki NAGATSU; Ryota SAITO 英語 / English Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 2023 38
41Y4SG-DKT2 2017G651 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A Specific binding of Hg2+ to mismatched base pairs involving 5-hydroxyuracil in duplex DNA 近藤 次郎/Jiro KONDO; 鳥越秀峰 英語 / English Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2023 241 112125
42AP48-TF68 2020P003 5A/ 5A Coordination and photoisomerizaiton of Azobenzene-amino acid Schiff base Cu(II) complexes to lysozyme Yuto Kuroda; 秋津 貴城/Takashiro AKITSU 英語 / English Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering 2023 11 34
43WFCD-AH1F 2015G717, 2022G588; 2013G656 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A Covalent Modifier Discovery Using Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange?Mass Spectrometry 小島 拓之/Hiroyuki KOJIMA; 柳 諒太 / Ryota Yanagi; 樋口愛理 / Eri Higuchi; 吉澤 麻美/Mami YOSHIZAWA; 下平 智之/ Tomoyuki Shimodaira; 熊谷 美咲 / Misaki Kumagai; 京谷 竜宏 / Tatsuhiro Kyoya; 関根 美夢 / Miyu Sekine; 江川 大地/Daichi EGAWA; 大橋 南美/Nami OHASHI; 石田 寛明/Hiroaki ISHIDA; 山本 恵子 / Keiko Yamamoto; 伊藤 俊将/Toshimasa ITOH 英語 / English Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023 66 4827
444BFT-PKB2 5A X-Ray Conformation and Structure?Activity Relationships of MA026, a Reversible Tight Junction Opener Mukaiyama, Minagi 英語 / English Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023 66 8717
45RT6H-NWXN 2021G053; 2022G592 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A; NW12A/NW12A A Steric-Repulsion-Driven Clutch Stack of Triaryltriazines: Correlated Molecular Rotations and a Thermoresponsive Gearshift in the Crystalline Solid 陳 旻究/Mingoo JIN; 佐藤 文菜/Ayana SATO; 半妙 夏海/Natsumi HAMMYO 英語 / English Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023 145 27512
46922V-HKAW 2009G590; 2012G048; 2014G087; 2014R-40; 2015G020 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; NW12A/NW12A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A Substrate recognition mode of a glycoside hydrolase family 42 β-galactosidase from Bifidobacterium longum subspecies infantis(BiBga42A) revealed by crystallographic and mutational analyses Aina GOTOH; 日高 將文/Masafumi HIDAKA; 伏信 進矢/Shinya FUSHINOBU; 片山 高嶺/Takane KATAYAMA 英語 / English Microbiome Research Reports 2023 2
474GJK-DDSP 2016G083; 2017G089; 2019G018; 2020RP-04 1A/1A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A A bacterial sulfoglycosidase highlights mucin O-glycan breakdown in the gut ecosystem Toshihiko KATO; 山田 千早/Chihaya YAMADA; ブランパン 騰真/Toma BLANPAIN; 伏信 進矢/Shinya FUSHINOBU; Takane KATAYAMA 英語 / English Nature Chemical Biology 2023 19 778
48RXZH-D5G5 2018G505; 2020G514; 2019RP-03; 2020RP-16 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A Class III hybrid cluster protein homodimeric architecture shows evolutionary relationship with Ni, Fe-carbon monoxide dehydrogenases 藤城 貴史/Takashi FUJISHIRO; 高岡 恭世/Kyosei TAKAOKA 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
49CKUH-Z69C 2015G020, 2014R-40, 2015R-36; 2016G083; 2016R-69; 2017G088; 2017G089; 2019G017; 2019G018; 2021G052; 2022G034; 2021PF-B026; 2022PF-B011; 2022PF-B014; 2023G052 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 10C/10C; NE3A/NE3A Identification and characterization of endo-α-, exo-α-, and exo-β-D-arabinofuranosidases degrading lipoarabinomannan and arabinogalactan of mycobacteria ブランパン 騰真/Toma BLANPAIN; 伏信 進矢/Shinya FUSHINOBU; 荒川 孝俊/Takatoshi ARAKAWA; 中島 千穂/Chiho NAKASHIMA; 赤井 元気/Genki AKAI; 清水 伸隆 /Nobutaka SHIMIZU; 福島 陸/Riku FUKUSHIMA; 山田 千早/Chihaya YAMADA 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
50RSKG-8F7V 2017G655 17A; 5A An archaeal transcription factor EnfR with a novel ‘eighth note’ fold controls hydrogen production of a hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus onnurineus NA1 Da-Woon Bae; Sun-Shin Cha 英語 / English Nucleic Acids Research 2023 51 10026