更新日 : 2024/12/27 

   件数 : 21,637件    




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8件ヒットしました ( 1 - 8 )
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[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
1P22M-BAWC 2019G602, 2022G116 4A Nondestructive characterization of diseased Chinese chive leaves using X-ray intensity ratios with microbeam synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence spectrometry Takahashi, Tomoya 英語 / English Analytical Sciences 2023 39 493
22ZJB-SHPU 2016G085; 2018G044; 2020G008 4A/ 4A; 4A/ 4A; 4A/ 4A Redox state of magma recorded in volcanic glass from an ash-forming eruption at Bromo volcano, Indonesia: Insights into the degassing process 三輪 学央/Takahiro MIWA; 石橋 秀巳/Hidemi ISHIBASHI; 風早 竜之介 / Ryunosuke Kazahaya; 奥村 聡/Satoshi OKUMURA; 井口 正人 / Masato Iguchi; 斎藤 元治 / Genji Saito; 安田 敦 / Atsushi Yasuda; 下司 信夫 / Nobuo Geshi; 鍵 裕之/Hiroyuki KAGI 英語 / English Bulletin of Volcanology 2023 85
3Y0BU-BJD0 2022G564, 2022G641 4A/ 4A Experimentally Shock-Induced Melt Veins in Basalt: Improving the Shock Classification of Eucrites 三河内 岳/Takashi MIKOCHI 英語 / English Geophysical Research Letters 2023 50
4R8JT-94NF 2018G558, 2020G611, 2022G564 4A Petrology and shock history of the first depleted-like poikilitic shergottite Asuka 12325 Takenouchi, Atsushi 英語 / English Meteoritics & Planetary Science 2023 58 1406
5X4H5-A232 2022G564 4A/ 4A Impact mixing among rocky planetesimals in the early Solar System from angrite oxygen isotopes 三河内 岳/Takashi MIKOCHI 英語 / English Nature Astronomy 2023 7 836
6RF7B-ZR2Y 2022G038, 2021G634 4A, 12C, NW2A Oxidationーinduced nanolite crystallization triggered the 2021 eruption of FukutokuーOkaーnoーBa, Japan Kenta Yoshida; 木村 正雄 / Masao KIMURA 英語 / English Scientific Reports 2023 13
7U9NK-2AXP 2013G052, 2014G058 4A Radiation makes cells select the form of death dependent on external or internal exposure: apoptosis or pyroptosis Shichijo K. 英語 / English Scientific Reports 2023 13
8B5CN-S8TF 2021G084; 2017G152; 2019G107 4A/ 4A; 15A1/15A1; 15A1/15A1; 12C/12C; 15A1/15A1 Characterization of metal components in white-based polyester single fibers by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and X-ray absorption fine structure analysis utilizing synchrotron radiation for forensic discrimination 西脇 芳典/Yoshinori NISHIWAKI; 小松 響/Hibiki KOMATSU 英語 / English Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy 2023 209