更新日 : 2024/11/29 

   件数 : 21,600件    




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13件ヒットしました ( 1 - 13 )
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1HU3T-X9ZC 2016G586; 2019G662; 2021G647; 2020G662 4A/ 4A; 15A1/15A1; 15A1/15A1; 4A/ 4A In Situ X-ray Fluorescence Evaluation of Metal Ion Adsorption on Ferric Oxyhydroxide in Frozen Solutions 土井 美野里/Minori DOI; 原田 誠/Makoto HARADA; 岡田 哲男/Tetsuo OKADA 英語 / English ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2022 6 218
2XUGZ-RJF3 2018G089, 2018G575 4A, 15A1 Symbiont Community Composition in Rimicaris kairei Shrimps from Indian Ocean Vents with Notes on Mineralogy Methou P. 英語 / English Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2022 88
3TDUG-2XRR 4A Effect of rhodium plating on the ion dissolution from nickel-titanium and pure nickel wires Edward Cho 英語 / English Asian Pacific Journal of Dentistry 2022 22 21
4FSW3-DJCA 2018G525; 2020G529 4A/ 4A; 4A/ 4A Nickel particles are present in Crohn's disease tissue and exacerbate intestinal inflammation in IBD susceptible mice Hiroki Matsuda; 宇尾 基弘/Motohiro UO 英語 / English Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2022 592 74
53U7V-5YPU 2018G575 4A, 12C New insights into the distribution and speciation of nickel in a Myanmar laterite Sun, Jing 英語 / English Chemical Geology 2022 604
63CBC-HS5H 1997G179, 1999G136 4A Therapeutic Strategies and Metal-Induced Oxidative Stress: Application of Synchrotron Radiation Microbeam to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in the Kii Peninsula of Japan Sohei Yoshida 英語 / English Frontiers in Neurology 2022 13
7YAP9-D4YC 2020G650 4A/ 4A Shock Recovery With Decaying Compressive Pulses: Shock Effects in Calcite (CaCO3) Around the Hugoniot Elastic Limit Kousuke Kurosawa 英語 / English Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets 2022 127
8BCRV-MK38 2020G670 4A/ 4A High-Pressure XAFS Measurements of the Coordination Environments of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in Basaltic Glasses 小澤 佳祐/Keisuke OZAWA 英語 / English Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 2022 127
9T5V7-Z7UV 2016G632 4A Sequestration of heavy metals in soil aggregates induced by glomalin-related soil protein: A five-year phytoremediation field study Fang, Linchuan 英語 / English Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022 437
10HEPP-7AFE 2013G052 , 2014G058 4A Pathological observation of the effects of exposure to radioactive microparticles on experimental animals Kazuko Shichijo 英語 / English Journal of Radiation Research 2022 63 i26
11KHUF-M52F 2020G611; 2018G558 4A/ 4A; 4A/ 4A Unique igneous textures and shock metamorphism of the Northwest Africa 7203 angrite and its implication for the crystallization process and evolutional history of the angrite parent body 三河内 岳/Takashi MIKOCHI; 竹之内 惇志/Atsushi TAKENOUCHI; 林 秀幸/Hideyuki HAYASHI 英語 / English Meteoritics & Planetary Science 2022 57
12JVUE-PZBZ 2020G611 4A/ 4A Evidence for impact shock and regolith transportation on CM, CI, and CV chondrite parent asteroids 三河内 岳/Takashi MIKOCHI 英語 / English Meteoritics & Planetary Science 2022 57 1902
13JJV3-YWAR 2014G609; 2016G576; 2018G558; 2020G611; 2020G650 4A/ 4A; 4A/ 4A; 4A/ 4A; 4A/ 4A Elucidating evolution processes of Solar System bodies: Approaches by mineralogical study of various kinds of extraterrestrial materials / 太陽系での天体進化プロセスの解明を目指して:多様な地球外物質の鉱物学的研究によるアプローチ 三河内 岳/Takashi MIKOCHI 日本語 / Japanese 岩石鉱物科学 / Japanese Magazine of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 2022 51