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19SPE-R1X3 2019G670 3A/ 3A Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on AuNi Surface Alloy Formed on Single Crystal Au Electrodes 田中 駿乃介/Shunnosuke TANAKA; 中村 将志/Masashi NAKAMURA 英語 / English ChemElectroChem 2023 10
2PRRG-M00E 2021G596, 2021PF-G015 8A, 8B, 3A, 4C Space-Group Determination of Superlattice Structure Due to Electric Toroidal Ordering in Ca5Ir3O12 花手 洋樹/Hiroki HANATE; 筒井 智嗣/Satoshi TSUTSUI; 矢島 健/Takeshi YAJIMA; 松平 和之/Kazuyuki MATSUHIRA 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2023 92 063601
3UPR1-72MU 2022G114 3A/ 3A Helicity Selection of the Cycloidal Order in Noncentrosymmetric EuIrGe3 松村 武/Takeshi MATSUMURA; 倉内 憲伸/Kenshin KURAUCHI; 塚越 舜/Mitsuru TSUKAGOSHI 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2023 92 1
4UNZV-UE72 2020G034 3A Quadrupolar Domain Selection by Magnetic Field in DyNi3Ga9 Tsukagoshi M. 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2023 92
5Z8KT-C89H 2017G602, 2016S2-005, 2021S2-004 16A, 3A Quadrupole anomalous Hall effect in magnetically induced electron nematic state Koizumi H. 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
61A8V-NJAK 2022G551 3A/ 3A Rhombic skyrmion lattice coupled with orthorhombic structural distortion in EuAl$_{4}$ 厳 正輝/Masaki GEN 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107 1
7F483-X9CE 2018S2-006, 2021S2-004 3A Field-tunable Weyl points and large anomalous Hall effect in the degenerate magnetic semiconductor EuMg2 Bi2 Kondo M. 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107
8JUEF-009M 2022G520 3A Discovery of antiferromagnetic chiral helical ordered state in trigonal GdNi3Ga9 Nakamura S. 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 108
9JP79-6C3U 2018G661; 2020G505 NW2A/NW2A; 3A/ 3A; NW2A/NW2A Structural transition at the subsurface of few-layer Bi(110) film during the growth 白澤 徹郎/Tetsuro SHIRASAWA 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2023 7
100FXZ-N6P6 2015S2-009; 2018G533; 2020G526 3A/ 3A; 3A/ 3A; 3A/ 3A Quantitative measurement of structural fluctuation at LaNiO3/LaAlO3 interfaces as a function of thickness 永井 和樹/Kazuki NAGAI; 穴田 壮人/Masato ANADA; 小和 一弘/Kazuhiro KOWA; 若林 裕助/Yusuke WAKABAYASHI; 北村未歩; 組頭広志; 田尻寛男 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2023 7
11BUZB-NJ1U 2018S1-001, 2023S2-001 3A; 19A Reassigning CI chondrite parent bodies based on reflectance spectroscopy of samples from carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu and meteorites Amano, Kana 英語 / English Science Advances 2023 9
12VM8E-EVZZ 3A Growth kinetics of a perfectly flat Bi(110) film during low-temperature deposition and subsequent annealing Shimura, Maimi 英語 / English Surface Science 2023 728
139MHN-9NZ7 2020S2-002; 2018S1-001 3A; 19A Formation and evolution of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu: Direct evidence from returned samples T. Nakamura; Y. Takahashi; S. Yamashita; Y. Takeichi 英語 / English science 2023 379