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1FD4W-NKFS 2021S2-002 2A/2B/2A/2B Novel supercell compounds of layered Bi?Rh?O with p-type metallic conduction materialized as a thin film form M. Ohno; T. C. Fujita; 増竹 悠紀/Yuuki MASUTAKE; 組頭 広志/Hiroshi KUMIGASHIRA; M. Kawasaki 英語 / English APL Materials 2023 11
23NS7-4UZA 2020G118; 2021G671; 2019G600; 2019G645; 2021G603; 2021G644 2A/2B/2A/2B; 2A/2B/2A/2B; 2A/2B/2A/2B; 2A/2B/2A/2B; 2A/2B/2A/2B; 2A/2B/2A/2B Redox Reaction in Ti-Mn Redox Flow Battery Studied by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy 朝倉 大輔/Daisuke ASAKURA; 細野 英司/Eiji HOSONO; 北村 未歩; 堀場 弘司; 馬込 栄輔; 瀬戸山 寛之; 小林 英一; 湯沢 勇人; 大東 琢治; 酒井 孝明; 兼賀 量一; 舩木 敬; 佐藤 縁; 大平 昭博/Akihiro OHIRA 英語 / English Chemistry - An Asian Journal 2023 18 e202201047-1
36KT8-05AJ 2A/2B Half-Metallicity and Magnetic Anisotropy in Double-Perovskite GdBaCo2O6 Films Prepared via Topotactic Oxidation Katayama, Tsukasa 英語 / English Chemistry of Materials 2023 35 1295
4CTCV-KUK3 2021S2-002; 2018S2-004; 2022T001 2A/2B/2A/2B; 2A/2B/2A/2B; 4C/ 4C; 2A/2B/2A/2B Quantization condition of strongly correlated electrons in oxide nanostructures / Quantization condition of strongly correlated electrons in oxide nanostructures 神田 龍彦/Tatsuhiko KANDA; 志賀 大亮/Daisuke SHIGA; 和田 亜里斗/Asato WADA; Ryotaro HAYASAKA; 増竹 悠紀/Yuuki MASUTAKE; 長谷川 直人/Naoto HASEGAWA; 北村 未歩/Miho KITAMURA; 吉松 公平/Kohei YOSHIMATSU; 組頭 広志/Hiroshi KUMIGASHIRA 英語 / English Communications Materials 2023 10
5XVYJ-C935 2020G501 2A/2B Neuromorphic learning and forgetting functions of Pt/Ti0.99Sc0.01O2?δ/Pt multilayer by Schottky barrier modulation Taniguchi, Mitsuki 英語 / English Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2023 62
67SY1-JDGX 2021S2-002 2A/2B/2A/2B Thickness-dependent magnetotransport properties of rocksalt NdO epitaxial thin films: observation of a ferromagnetic phase far above the Curie temperature Daichi SAITO; Daichi OKA; Kenichi KAMINAGA; Miho KITAMURA; 志賀 大亮/Daisuke SHIGA; 組頭 広志/Hiroshi KUMIGASHIRA; Tomoteru FUKUMURA 英語 / English Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2023 11 12400
7AEWN-SJR3 2023G006 2A/2B/2A/2B Room temperature fabrication of highly proton conductive amorphous zirconia-based thin films achieved by precise control of nanostructure Makoto Takayanagi, Takashi Tsuchiya, Daiki Nishioka, Tohru Higuchi, and Kazuya Terabe 英語 / English Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2023 11 1
8WBZM-A29F 2021S2-002 2A/2B/2A/2B Large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy induced by an inter-site charge transfer in strained EuVO2H films Morito Namba, Hiroshi Takatsu, Riho Mikita, Yao Sijia, Kantaro Murayama, Hao-Bo Li, Ryo Terada, Cedric Tassel, Hiroki Ubukata, Masayuki Ochi, Regino Saez-Puche, Elias Palacios Latasa, Naoki Ishimatsu, Daisuke Shiga, Hiroshi Kumigashira, Katsuki Kinjo, Shunsaku Kitagawa, Kenji Ishida, Takahito Terashima, Koji Fujita, Takeaki Mashiko, Keiichi Yanagisawa, Koji Kimoto, and Hiroshi Kageyama 英語 / English Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023 145 21807
9UWTA-Z8KF 2023G006 2A/2B/2A/2B Ultrafast-switching of an All-solid-state Electric Double Layer Transistor with a Porous Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Proton Conductor and the Application to Neuromorphic Computing M. Takayanagi, T. Tsuchiya, D. Nishioka, M. Imura, Y. Koide, T. Higuchi, and K. Terabe 英語 / English Materials Today Advances 2023 18 1
10DBV9-9MH6 2021S2-001; 2020G669; 2022G652 28A/28B/28A/28B; 2A/2B/2A/2B; 2A/2B/2A/2B; 28A/28B/28A/28B Antiferromagnetic topological insulator with selectively gapped Dirac cones 本間 飛鳥/Asuka HONMA; 相馬 清吾/Seigo SOUMA; 佐藤 宇史/Takafumi SATO 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
11482T-S4WS 2022G513 2A/2B/2A/2B Two-dimensional heavy fermion in a monoatomic-layer Kondo lattice YbCu2 中村 拓人/Takuto NAKAMURA; 杉原 弘基/Hiroki SUGIHARA; 木村 真一/Shin-ichi KIMURA 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14 7850-1
123E31-8ZUS 2015G704; 2015S2-003; 2018S2-001; 2019G122; 2022G077 2A/2B/2A/2B; 28A/28B/28A/28B; 28A/28B/28A/28B; 28A/28B/28A/28B; 28A/28B/28A/28B Electronic structure and anharmonic phonon mode in BaIr2Ge7 with two-dimensional Ba-Ge networks studied by photoemission spectroscopy 石田 達拡/Tatsuhiro ISHIDA; 大槻 太毅/Daiki OOTSUKI; 吉田 鉄平/Teppei YOSHIDA 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107 045116-1
132PA0-VHVS 2014G177, 2012G075, 2012S2-001 2A/2B; 28A/28B Oxygen on-site Coulomb energy in Pr1.3-xLa0.7CexCuO4 and Bi2Sr2CaCu2 O8+δ and its relation with Heisenberg exchange Chainani A. 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107
14N2DG-RSG9 2021S2-001 28A/28B; 2A/2B Surface-termination-dependent electronic states in kagome superconductors A V3Sb5 (A= K, Rb, Cs) studied by micro-ARPES Kato, Takemi 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107
15592C-VTMN 2019G514 2A/2B/2A/2B Surface valence transition in SmS by alkali metal adsorption 中村 拓人/Takuto NAKAMURA 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107 L041102-1
16FTUY-PMT3 2021S2-002; 2022G675; 2018S2-004 2A/2B/2A/2B; 2A/2B/2A/2B Electronic phase diagram of Cr-doped VO2 epitaxial films studied by in situ photoemission spectroscopy 志賀 大亮/Daisuke SHIGA; 組頭 広志/Hiroshi KUMIGASHIRA; 吉松 公平/Kohei YOSHIMATSU; 長谷川 直人/Naoto HASEGAWA; 神田 龍彦/Tatsuhiko KANDA; CHENG Xianglin/Xianglin CHENG; KIM Taehyun/Taehyun KIM; 北村 未歩/Miho KITAMURA 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 108
17AWYH-VW48 2021S2-001; 2022G652 28A/28B/28A/28B; 2A/2B/2A/2B; 28A/28B/28A/28B Unusual surface states associated with PT -symmetry breaking and antiferromagnetic band folding in NdSb 本間 飛鳥/Asuka HONMA; 相馬 清吾/Seigo SOUMA; 佐藤 宇史/Takafumi SATO 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 108
18S69J-6X48 2023G006 2A/2B/2A/2B Redox-based ion-gating reservoir consisting of (104) oriented LiCoO2 film, assisted by physical masking Kaoru Shibata, Daiki Nishioka, Wataru Namiki, Takashi Tsuchiya, Tohru Higuchi & Kazuya Terabe 英語 / English Scientific Reports 2023 13 1