更新日 : 2024/12/27 

   件数 : 21,637件    




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17件ヒットしました ( 1 - 17 )
検索条件   ビームライン(28A/28B) and 発表年(2023)
[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
1C5C3-0RRC 2021S2-001; 2022G007 28A/28B/28A/28B; 28A/28B/28A/28B Moir?-Assisted Realization of Octahedral MoTe2 Monolayer 猿田 康朗/Yasuaki SARUTA; 菅原 克明/Katsuaki SUGAWARA 英語 / English Advanced Science 2023 10
212CE-VY86 2021G686 28A/28B Neural networks for a quick access to a digital twin of scanning physical property measurements Kensei Terashima 英語 / English Digital Discovery 2023 2 339
3T9WT-HU27 28A/28B Terahertz surface plasmon resonance in Dirac electron system topological insulator (Sb, Bi)2(Te, Se)3 Sugimoto H. 英語 / English IEEE International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 2023 194171
4C2DY-KGK8 28A/28B Terahertz Plasmonics and Hyperspectral Imaging for Bio-Medical Applications Hitoshi Tabata 英語 / English International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications 2023 2023 1
502XF-T92V 2022G605; 2022G007; 2021S2-001 28A/28B/28A/28B; 28A/28B/28A/28B; 28A/28B/28A/28B Direct Imaging of Band Structure for Powdered Rhombohedral Boron Monosulfide by Microfocused ARPES 菅原 克明/Katsuaki SUGAWARA 英語 / English Nano Letters 2023 23 1673
6DBV9-9MH6 2021S2-001; 2020G669; 2022G652 28A/28B/28A/28B; 2A/2B/2A/2B; 2A/2B/2A/2B; 28A/28B/28A/28B Antiferromagnetic topological insulator with selectively gapped Dirac cones 本間 飛鳥/Asuka HONMA; 相馬 清吾/Seigo SOUMA; 佐藤 宇史/Takafumi SATO 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
73E31-8ZUS 2015G704; 2015S2-003; 2018S2-001; 2019G122; 2022G077 2A/2B/2A/2B; 28A/28B/28A/28B; 28A/28B/28A/28B; 28A/28B/28A/28B; 28A/28B/28A/28B Electronic structure and anharmonic phonon mode in BaIr2Ge7 with two-dimensional Ba-Ge networks studied by photoemission spectroscopy 石田 達拡/Tatsuhiro ISHIDA; 大槻 太毅/Daiki OOTSUKI; 吉田 鉄平/Teppei YOSHIDA 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107 045116-1
82PA0-VHVS 2014G177, 2012G075, 2012S2-001 2A/2B; 28A/28B Oxygen on-site Coulomb energy in Pr1.3-xLa0.7CexCuO4 and Bi2Sr2CaCu2 O8+δ and its relation with Heisenberg exchange Chainani A. 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107
9HU82-G1CM 2021G092; 2023G122 28A/28B/28A/28B; 28A/28B/28A/28B Influence of oxygen coordination number on the electronic structure of single-layer La-based cuprates 堀尾 眞史/Masafumi HORIO 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 108 1
10N2DG-RSG9 2021S2-001 28A/28B; 2A/2B Surface-termination-dependent electronic states in kagome superconductors A V3Sb5 (A= K, Rb, Cs) studied by micro-ARPES Kato, Takemi 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107
11M18U-B1BD 28A/28B Charge order with unusual star-of-David lattice in monolayer NbTe2 Taguchi, Taiki 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 107
12AWYH-VW48 2021S2-001; 2022G652 28A/28B/28A/28B; 2A/2B/2A/2B; 28A/28B/28A/28B Unusual surface states associated with PT -symmetry breaking and antiferromagnetic band folding in NdSb 本間 飛鳥/Asuka HONMA; 相馬 清吾/Seigo SOUMA; 佐藤 宇史/Takafumi SATO 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 108
13AB7M-EFP2 2021S2-001 28A/28B Pure nematic state in the iron-based superconductor FeSe Kubota Y. 英語 / English Physical Review B 2023 108
1434A9-JZJ5 2021S2-001; 2022G007 28A/28B/28A/28B; 28A/28B/28A/28B Switching of charge-density wave by carrier tuning in monolayer TiTe2 栁沢 幸紀/Koki YANAGIZAWA; 菅原 克明/Katsuaki SUGAWARA; 佐藤 宇史/Takafumi SATO 英語 / English Physical Review Materials 2023 7
156UBY-2WZV 2021S2-001 28A/28B Visualizing crystal twin boundaries of bismuth by high-spatial-resolution ARPES Moriya, Ayumi 英語 / English Physical Review Research 2023 5
16JFHN-Z6WC 2021S2-001 28A/28B Development of Ar gas cluster ion beam system for surface preparation in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy Tokuyama A. 英語 / English Review of Scientific Instruments 2023 94
17B0XC-YBRB 2022G605; 2022G007; 2021S2-001 28A/28B/28A/28B; 28A/28B/28A/28B; 28A/28B/28A/28B Charge-density wave associated with higher-order Fermi-surface nesting in monolayer VS2 T. Kawakami 英語 / English npj 2D Materials and Applications 2023 7 35