更新日 : 2024/11/29 

   件数 : 21,600件    




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12件ヒットしました ( 1 - 12 )
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[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
1U2AF-V4J7 27B Radiation-Induced Rescue Effect: Insights from Microbeam Experiments Yu, Kwan Ngok 英語 / English Biology 2022 11
2K9ZE-EDWT 2019G058 27B/27B Deep groundwater physicochemical components affecting actinide migration Akira KIRISHIMA; 岡本 芳浩/Yoshihiro OKAMOTO; 秋山 大輔/Daisuke AKIYAMA 英語 / English Chemosphere 2022 289 133181
3UDFG-GRF2 2019G586 27B Phase Evolution in the CaZrTi2O7-Dy2Ti2O7System: A Potential Host Phase for Minor Actinide Immobilization Blackburn, Lewis R. 英語 / English Inorganic Chemistry 2022 61 5744
40AC0-BCAZ 2020G109, 2017G520 27B/27B Structure and magnetic properties of Fe nanoparticles in amorphous silica implanted with Fe ions and effect of subsequent energetic heavy ion irradiation 岩瀬 彰宏/Akihiro IWASE; 松井 利之/Toshiyuki MATSUI 英語 / English Journal of Applied Physics 2022 132 1
5U7J3-MD5S 2020G100 27B/27B Rapid and efficient chromium (VI) removal from aqueous solutions using nickel hydroxide nanoplates (nNiHs) 田中 万也/Kazuya TANAKA 英語 / English Journal of Molecular Liquids 2022 358
6SC41-GWMH 2017G066 27B/27B Structural change by phosphorus addition to borosilicate glass containing simulated waste components / 模擬廃棄物成分を含むホウケイ酸ガラスへのリン添加による構造変化 岡本 芳浩/Yoshihiro OKAMOTO; 塩飽 秀啓/Hideaki SHIWAKU; 永井 崇之/Takayuki NAGAI 英語 / English Journal of Nuclear Materials 2022 570
7AZA7-UB13 2019G519 27B/27B Study on the relation between the crystal structure and thermal stability of FeUO4 and CrUO4 秋山 大輔/Daisuke AKIYAMA; 岡本 芳浩/ Yoshihiro OKAMOTO; 永井 崇之/Takayuki NAGAI; 桐島 陽/ Akira KIRISHIMA 英語 / English Journal of Nuclear Materials 2022 568 153847
8M4TA-E119 2019G586 27B Synthesis and characterisation of Ce-doped zirconolite Ca0.80Ce0.20ZrTi1.60M0.40O7 (M = Fe, Al) formed by reactive spark plasma sintering (RSPS) Aldean, Ismail 英語 / English MRS Advances 2022 7 75
9YP4T-1KN6 2016G118 27B EXAFS studies for atomic structural change induced by ion irradiation of a reactor pressure vessel steel Keiko Iwata 英語 / English Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B 2022 511 143
10RTFA-STVJ 2016G530 27B/27B Optimization of Crystal Structure Based on Experimentally Obtained XRD Patterns for Fluorescence of Sm3+-Doped TiO2 Thin Films by Machine Learning 玉元 悠里/Yuri TAMAMOTO 英語 / English Optics and Photonics Journal 2022 12 147
117RHP-2P7E 2018G573 27B Sr(ii) extraction by crown ether in HFC: entropy driven mechanism through H2PFTOUD Shirasaki, Kenji 英語 / English RSC Advances 2022 12 26922
12YKPS-2JA7 2020G589; 2018G518 27B/27B; 27B/27B Structural analysis of high-energy implanted Ni atoms into Si(100) by X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy 圓谷 志郎/Shiro ENTANI; Shin-ichiro Sato; Mitsunori Honda; Chihiro Suzuki; Tomitsugu Taguchi; Shunya Yamamoto; Takeshi Ohshima 英語 / English Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2022