更新日 : 2024/12/27 

   件数 : 21,637件    




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  表示 :  表示順 :
6件ヒットしました ( 1 - 6 )
検索条件   ビームライン(27A) and 発表年(2023)
[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
1W119-W10N 2020G019; 2017G681 27A/27A; 27A/27A Investigation of quantum processes of radiation damage to DNA and its cellular repair compromisation / 放射線DNA損傷の量子過程とその難修復性評価の試み 横谷 明徳/Akinari YOKOYA 日本語 / Japanese BIO Clinica 2023 38 74
2N8RN-63ZW 2021G042 27A/27A X-ray irradiation-induced ligand cleavage of a phthalocyanine derivative, tin (IV) phthalocyanine dichloride: A potential for X-ray activation of caged compounds / X-ray irradiation-induced ligand cleavage of a phthalocyanine derivative, tin (IV) phthalocyanine dichloride: A potential for X-ray activation of caged compounds 泉 雄大/Yudai IZUMI 英語 / English Chemical Physics Letters 2023 822
32ZUT-4FN4 2022G660 27A; 27B Determination of Fe2+ in tin oxide-containing glass through valence-selective solvent extraction and colorimetric analysis following glass decomposition 菅野 直樹 Naoki KANNO 英語 / English Chemistry Letters 2023 53
41PHG-A160 2017G681 27A/27A Electronic properties of DNA-related molecules containing a bromine atom 平戸 未彩紀/Misaki HIRATO; 鬼澤 美智/Misato ONIZAWA; 馬場 祐治/Yuji BABA; 芳賀 芳範/Yoshinori Haga; 藤井 健太郎; 和田 真一; 横谷 明徳/Akinari YOKOYA 英語 / English International Journal of Radiation Biology 2023 99 82
5EK4Z-GPR7 2015G068 27A An XPS Study of the Ag-S interface of L-Cysteine Films on Silver Surface Maduwantha G. D. K. V. 英語 / English International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology 2023 12 75
6KJ6Y-5WWF 2020G019 27A/27A Incorporation of a bromine atom into DNA-related molecules changes their electronic properties 平戸 未彩紀/Misaki HIRATO; 横谷 明徳/Akinari YOKOYA; 馬場 祐治/Yuji BABA; Seiji Mori; 藤井 健太郎/Kentaro FUJII; Shin-ichi Wada; 泉 雄大/Yudai IZUMI; Yoshinori Haga 英語 / English Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2023 25 14836