更新日 : 2024/11/29 

   件数 : 21,600件    




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8件ヒットしました ( 1 - 8 )
検索条件   ビームライン(20B) and 発表年(2022)
[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
11MRF-ENM2 2017G087; 2019G103; 2021G022 14B/14B; 20B/20B; 14B/14B; 20B/20B; 14B/14B; 20B/20B Radiation-induced defects in protein crystals observed by X-ray topography 鈴木 凌/Ryo SUZUKI; Seiki Baba; Nobuhiro Mizuno; Kazuya Hasegawa; 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI; 小島 謙一/Kenichi KOJIMA; Takashi Kumasaka; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English Acta Crystallographica Section D 2022 78 196
20FB9-36CS 2016G133; 2018G117 3C/ 3C; 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 3C/ 3C Mechanical properties and dislocation dynamics in \beta-Ga_2O_3 山口 博隆/Hirotaka YAMAGUCHI 英語 / English Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2022 61
3MUAS-KWN5 3C, 20B Structural characterization of defects in EFG- and HVPE-grown β-Ga2O3 crystals Osamu Ueda 英語 / English Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2022 61
4DV54-03A4 2017G087, 2019G103, 2021G022 14B, 20B Rocking-curve imaging of high-quality protein crystals by non-dispersive X-ray optics in the double-crystal configuration Ryo Suzuki 英語 / English Journal of Applied Crystallography 2022 55
5S7JX-N87P 2019G103; 2021G022 14B/14B; 20B/20B; 14B/14B; 20B/20B Existence of twisting in dislocation-free protein single crystals 阿部 満理奈/Marina ABE; 鈴木 凌/Ryo SUZUKI; Keiichi Hirano; 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI; 小島 謙一/Kenichi KOJIMA; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2022 119
6YBFW-VNRX 2011G073; 2012G504; 2016G673; 2021G037 旧15B1/15B2/旧15B1/15B2; 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B Theoretical and Practical Studies on Effects of External Electrostatic Electric Field on Nucleation and Growth Kinetics of Protein Crystals 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI; 宇田 聡 英語 / English Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 2022 68 1
78FCD-SAS8 2019PF-31; 2019PF-40; 2020PF-07; 2020PF-17; 2020PF-20; 2020PF-34; 2021PF-S001 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B; 20B/20B; NE1A/NE1A; NE1A/NE1A; NE1A/NE1A X-ray zooming microscopy with two Fresnel zone plates 若林 大佑/Daisuke WAKABAYASHI; 鈴木 芳生/Yoshio SUZUKI; 柴崎 裕樹 / Yuki SHIBAZAKI; 杉山 弘/Hiroshi SUGIYAMA; 平野 馨一/Keiichi HIRANO; 西村 龍太郎/Ryutaro NISHIMURA; 兵藤 一行 / Kazuyuki HYODO; 五十嵐 教之 / Noriyuki IGARASHI; 船守 展正 / Nobumasa FUNAMORI 英語 / English Review of Scientific Instruments 2022 93
8ZSXK-9GSJ 2017G673 20B/20B Suppression of stacking fault expansion in a 4H-SiC epitaxial layer by proton irradiation 原田 俊太/Shunta HARADA 英語 / English Scientific Reports 2022 12