更新日 : 2024/11/29 

   件数 : 21,600件    




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7件ヒットしました ( 1 - 7 )
検索条件   ビームライン(19A/19B) and 発表年(2022)
[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
16GUR-VK56 2018S1-001 19A/19B STXM-XANES analyses of carbonaceous matter in seafloor hydrothermal deposits from the ~3.5 Ga Dresser Formation in the North Pole area, Western Australia Motoko Igisu 英語 / English Geochemical Journal 2022 56 129
234MA-8F0C 19A/19B Heterogeneous nature of the carbonaceous chondrite breccia Aguas Zarcas-Cosmochemical characterization and origin of new carbonaceous chondrite lithologies Imene Kerraouch 英語 / English Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2022 334 155
3S7YA-SH4N 2019C202 13A/13B; 19A/19B Heterogeneous Chemical State of Carbon in Fe-C Binary Alloys Takayuki Harano; Reiko Murao; Yasuo Takeichi; Shohei Yamashita; Daisuke Wakabayashi; Masao Kimura 英語 / English ISIJ International 2022 62 699
4SB7T-78EF 19A/19B Antarctic micrometeorite composed of CP and CS IDP-like material: A micro-breccia originated from a partially ice-melted comet-like small body Noguchi, Takaaki 英語 / English Meteoritics & Planetary Science 2022 57 2042
59K1W-EPJJ 2013G661; 2013G058; 2015S2-007; 2015G556; BL-19立ち上げ調整 16A/16A; 16A/16A; 16A/16A; 16A/16A; 19A/19B/19A/19B Photoinduced transient states of antiferromagnetic orderings in La 1/3 Sr 2/3 FeO 3 and SrFeO 3_δ thin films observed through time-resolved resonant soft x-ray scattering 山本 航平/Kohei YAMAMOTO; 津山 智之/Tomoyuki TSUYAMA; 伊藤 俊/Suguru ITO; 田久保 耕/Kou TAKUBO; 松田 巌/Iwao Matsuda; Niko Pntius; Christian Sch¨u?ler-Langeheine; 簔原 誠人/Minohara Makoto; 組頭 広志/Hiroshi KUMIGASHIRA; 山崎 裕一/Yuichi YAMASAKI; 中尾 裕則/Hironori NAKAO; 村上 洋一/Youichi MURAKAMI; 片瀬 貴義/Takayoshi KATASE; 神谷 利夫/Toshio KAMIYA; 和達 大樹/Hiroki WADATI 英語 / English New Journal of Physics 2022 24
6VSFT-SM54 2020G091 19A/19B/19A/19B Spatial inhomogeneity of chain orientation associated with strain-induced density fluctuations in polyethylene 荒川 勝利/Masato ARAKAWA; 岸本 瑞樹/Mizuki Kishimoto; 中西 洋平/Yohei NAKANISHI; Kazuki Mita; 竹中 幹人/Mkihito TAKENAKA 英語 / English Polymer Journal 2022 54
7SGJH-3T23 2018MP001 19A/19B/19A/19B Measurement Informatics in Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Spectroscopy Tetsuro Ueno; Hideaki Iwasawa 英語 / English Synchrotron Radiation News 2022 35 3