更新日 : 2024/11/29 

   件数 : 21,600件    




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検索条件   ビームライン(18C) and 発表年(2022)
[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
1GB65-ANS1 2019G006; 2021G004 18C/18C; 18C/18C High-pressure crystal polymorphs and multiple pathways in 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium perfluorobutanesulfonate ionic liquid 阿部 洋/Hiroshi ABE; 小山 良尋/Yoshihiro KOYAMA; 下野 聖矢/Seiya SHIMONO; 岸村 浩明/Hiroaki KISHIMURA; Kiyoto Matsuishi 日本語 / Japanese Chemical Physics 2022 557 1
2C0PC-WEWZ 2019G563; 2021G557 NE1A/NE1A; 18C/18C; NE1A/NE1A; 18C/18C High-Pressure Synthesis of Light Lanthanide Dodecaborides (PrB12 and CeB12): Effects of Valence Fluctuation on Volume and Formation Pressure 遊佐 斉/Hitoshi YUSA; 伊賀文俊; 藤久裕司 英語 / English Inorganic Chemistry 2022 61 2568
3SU9M-X0UZ 2011G584; 2013G684; 2015G565 18C/18C; NE1A/NE1A; 18C/18C; NE1A/NE1A; 18C/18C; NE1A/NE1A Influence of pressure-induced formation of dihydrogen bonds on lattice parameters, volume, and vibrational modes of ammonia borane 中野 智志/Satoshi NAKANO; 藤久 裕司; 山脇 浩; 亀卦川 卓美 英語 / English Journal of Chemical Physics 2022 157, 234702?1
4P7HC-TUYN 2015G124, 2017G135, 2019G132 18C, NE1A Structure of sodium silicate water glass?X-ray scattering experiments and force-field molecular dynamics simulations Noritake, Fumiya 英語 / English Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2022 579
55UEP-8E7F 2019G605 18C/18C Pressure-induced phase transitions of cobalt sulfate hydrates and discovery of a new high-pressure phase, CoSO4・5H2O 鍵 裕之/Hiroyuki KAGI; 趙 政皓/Zhenghao ZHAO; 小松 一生; 山下 恵史朗; 中野 智志 英語 / English Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2022 308
6D02A-FJ5X 2019G550; 2021G545 18C/18C; 18C/18C Structural Phase Transition and Possible Valence Instability of Ce-4f Electron Induced by Pressure in CeCoSi 川村 幸裕/Yukihiro KAWAMURA 英語 / English Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2022 91 1
7M0C4-4AGJ 2018G088, 2020G059 18C Single-walled carbon nanotubes as a reducing agent for the synthesis of a Prussian blue-based composite: a quartz crystal microbalance study Yosuke Ishii 英語 / English Nanoscale Advances 2022 4 510
8TDHG-6THR 2018G682 18C/18C Super-hydration and reduction of manganese oxide minerals at shallow terrestrial depths YUN SEOHEE/SEOHEE YUN; HWANG Huijeong/Huijeong HWANG; HWANG Gilchan/Gilchan HWANG; Yeongkyoo Kim; Douglas Blom; Thomas Vogt; Jeffrey E. Post; Tae-Yeol Jeon; Tae Joo Shin; Dong-Zhou Zhang; Hiroyuki Kagi; LEE Yongjae/Yongjae LEE 英語 / English Nature Communications 2022 13
9JP0K-AAZ8 2004G229 18C Magnetic and structure transition of Mn3-xFexO4 solid solutions under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions Takamitsu Yamanaka 英語 / English Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 2022 49
1082T8-JMAE 2019G563; 2021G557 18C/18C; NE1A/NE1A; 18C/18C; NE1A/NE1A High-pressure synthesis of novel functional compounds / 高圧合成による新機能化合物の創成 遊佐 斉/Hitoshi YUSA; 長谷川 正 日本語 / Japanese 日本金属学会会報 / Materia 2022 61 656