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1VF29-11ZZ 2017G574; 2019G548; 2021G672 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A Mechanisms of Sugar Aminotransferase-like Enzymes to Synthesize Stereoisomers of Non-proteinogenic Amino Acids in Natural Product Biosynthesis 黒澤 菫/Sumire KUROSAWA; 吉田 彩子/Ayako YOSHIDA; 富田 武郎/Takeo TOMITA; 古園 さおり/Saori KOSONO; 西山 真/Makoto NISHIYAMA 英語 / English ACS Chemical Biology 2023 18 385
210F3-YAXY 2019G595 17A/17A Improvement of the Thermostability and Activity of the PET-Degrading Enzyme Cut190 toward a Detailed Understanding and Application of the Enzymatic Reaction Mechanism 沼本 修孝/Nobutaka NUMOTO; Narutoshi Kamiya; MasayukiOda 英語 / English ACS Symposium Series 2023 1450 89
32Z09-Z917 2019RP-02; 2020RP-19; 2021PF-B007; 2022PF-B004 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A Functional and Structural Insights into the Human PPARα/δ/γ Targeting Preferences of Anti-NASH Investigational Drugs, Lanifibranor, Seladelpar, and Elafibranor 鎌田 祥太郎/Shotaro KAMATA; Takuji OYAMA 英語 / English Antioxidants 2023 12
43AVD-WGJW 2016G013; 2016G532; 2017G051; 2017G513; 2017G610; 2018G538; 2019G097; 2019G508; 2019G518; 2020G580; 2021G013; 2021G508; 2022G538 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A Introducing Intermolecular Interaction to Strengthen the Stability of MnSOD Dimer 吉田 裕美/Hiromi YOSHIDA 英語 / English Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2023 195 4537
5D0RN-4VXC 2016G532; 2017G610; 2018G538; 2019G508; 2019G518; 2020G580; 2021G508 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A; 5A/ 5A Structural and biochemical characterizations of Thermus thermophilus HB8 transketolase producing a heptulose 神鳥 成弘/Shigehiro KAMITORI; 吉田 裕美/Hiromi YOSHIDA 英語 / English Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2023 107 233
6EVX6-Z21B 2018G609; 2020G574 17A/17A; 17A/17A Structures of importin-alpha bound to the wild-type and an internal deletion mutant of the bipartite nuclear localization signal of HIF-1alpha 松浦 能行/Yoshiyuki MATSUURA; 宮脇 和也/Kazuya MIYAWAKI 英語 / English Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2023 652 1
7VCKV-VFKG 2018G658; 2018RP-21; 2019RP-02; 2020RP-19; 2021PF-B007; 2022PF-B004; 2022G663 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A Current Clinical Trial Status and Future Prospects of PPAR-Targeted Drugs for Treating Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 鎌田 祥太郎/Shotaro KAMATA 英語 / English Biomolecules 2023 13
8N2R5-KAEA 2021G011; 2019G016 1A/1A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A Benziodarone and 6-hydroxybenziodarone are potent and selective inhibitors of transthyretin amyloidogenesis Mineyuki Mizuguchi 英語 / English Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2023 90
95MMB-VSXR 2021G519; 2019G508; 2017G513 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; 17A/17A Characterization and alteration of product specificity of Beijerinckia indica subsp. indica β-fructosyltransferase LI DING/DING LI; 宮坂 祐希/Yuki MIYASAKA; 窪田 有紗/Arisa KUBOTA; 西河 淳/Atsushi NISHIKAWA; 殿塚 隆史/Takashi TONOZUKA 英語 / English Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 2023 87 981
10FBG5-H4EY 17A A single mutation Asp43Arg was increased 2.5-fold the catalytic activity and maintained the stability of cold-adapted endo-1,4-beta glucanase (Ef-EG2) from Eisenia fetida Kuroki, Chikako 英語 / English Current Research in Biotechnology 2023 5
11F511-19RX 2018G609; 2020G574 17A/17A; 17A/17A Crystallographic data of an importin-alpha3 dimer in which the two protomers are bridged by a bipartite nuclear localization signal 松浦 能行/Yoshiyuki MATSUURA 英語 / English Data in Brief 2023 47
12GKVD-BYRZ 17A Core fucose-specific Pholiota squarrosa lectin (PhoSL) as a potent broad-spectrum inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 infection Kazuhiko Yamasaki 英語 / English FEBS Journal 2023 290 412
134RCT-4C6C 2021G054 1A/1A; 17A/17A Functional molecular evolution of a GTP sensing kinase: PI5P4Kβ. 竹内 恒/Koh TAKEUCHI; Miki Senda; Atsuo Sasaki; Toshiya Senda 英語 / English FEBS Journal 2023 290 4419
1455W4-98V0 2023G015; 2021G011; 2019G016 17A/17A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A Characterization of the molecular interactions between resveratrol derivatives and death-associated protein kinase 1 横山 武司/Takeshi YOKOYAMA 英語 / English FEBS Journal 2023 290 4465
15KE4X-HPTF 2023G015; 2021G011 17A/17A; 17A/17A Rafoxanide, a salicylanilide anthelmintic, interacts with human plasma protein transthyretin 横山 武司/Takeshi YOKOYAMA 英語 / English FEBS Journal 2023 290 5158
16HWFR-8TZ0 2014G188 17A; NW12A X-ray crystallographic and mutational analysis of the NylC precursor: catalytic mechanism of autocleavage and substrate hydrolysis of nylon hydrolase Negoro, Seiji 英語 / English FEBS Journal 2023 290 3400
17GUP2-RB0Y 2017G167; 2019G027; 2021G031 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A Protonation states of Asp residues in the human Nudix hydrolase MTH1 contribute to its broad substrate recognition 中村 照也/Teruya NAKAMURA; 山縣 ゆり子/Yuriko YAMAGATA 英語 / English FEBS Letters 2023 597 1770
188G79-30VH 2018G523; 2020G531; 2022G595 17A/17A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A Crystal structure of the motor domain of centromere‐associated protein E in complex with a non‐hydrolysable ATP analogue 渋谷 明日香/Asuka SHIBUYA; 鈴木 翠/Akira SUZUKI; 横山 英志/Hideshi YOKOYAMA 英語 / English FEBS Letters 2023 597 1138
197G6U-4WYT 2022G595; 2020G531 17A/17A; 17A/17A Higher-order structure formation using refined monomer structures of lipid raft markers, Stomatin, Prohibitin, Flotillin, and HflK/C-related proteins 横山 英志/Hideshi YOKOYAMA 英語 / English FEBS Open Bio 2023 13 926
206NCX-NTS8 17A Mechanism of tRNA recognition by heterotetrameric glycyl-tRNA synthetase from lactic acid bacteria Yasuha Nagato 英語 / English Journal of Biochemistry 2023 174 291
21K03Y-N2U7 2013G504, 2017G561, and 2019G512 NW12A, 17A Neutron crystallography and quantum chemical analysis of bilin reductase PcyA mutants reveal substrate and catalytic residue protonation states Tatsuya Joutsuka 英語 / English Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 299
22RS6V-29PJ 2017G142; 2019G080 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A Structural insights into the substrate recognition of serine palmitoyltransferase from Sphingobacterium multivorum 生城浩子/Hiroko Ikushiro; 村上大毅; 宮原 郁子/Ikuko MIYAHARA; 神谷 信夫/Nobuo Kamiya; 矢野 貴人/Takato Yano 英語 / English Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 299
23HZ2S-DPSM 2019G001; 2021G015 17A/17A; 17A/17A The 9-1-1 DNA clamp subunit RAD1 forms specific interactions with clamp loader RAD17, revealing functional implications for binding-protein RHINO 原 幸大/Kodai HARA; 橋本 博 英語 / English Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 299 103061
24Y4SG-DKT2 2017G651 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A Specific binding of Hg2+ to mismatched base pairs involving 5-hydroxyuracil in duplex DNA 近藤 次郎/Jiro KONDO; 鳥越秀峰 英語 / English Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2023 241 112125
25FN6T-YW4E 2019G592; 2021G034 17A/17A; 17A/17A Structural Basis of the Change in the Interaction Between Mycophenolic Acid and Subdomain IIA of Human Serum Albumin During Renal Failure 山崎 啓之/ Keishi YAMASAKI; 河合 聡人/Akito KAWAI 英語 / English Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023 66 951
26PY2X-40EX 2019G016, 2021G011 17A Resveratrol Derivatives Inhibit Transthyretin Fibrillization: Structural Insights into the Interactions between Resveratrol Derivatives and Transthyretin Yokoyama, Takeshi 英語 / English Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023 66 15511
276U76-NJWU 2021G071 17A/17A Sticklac-Derived Natural Compounds Inhibiting RNase H Activity of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase 星野 忠次/Tyuji HOSHINO 英語 / English Journal of Natural Products 2023 86 2487
284ACP-MBXH 2021G015; 2023G012 17A/17A; 17A/17A Uncommon arrangement of self-resistance allows bisynthesis of de novo purine biosynethesis inhibitor that acts as an immunosuppressor. 原 幸大/Kodai HARA; 橋本 博 英語 / English Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023 145 26883
29PVRU-D99F 17A Function and Structure of a Terpene Synthase Encoded in a Giant Virus Genome Youngcheol Jung 英語 / English Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023 145 25966
30BVWH-VMCC 17A Crystal Structure of p97-N/D1 Hexamer Complexed with FAF1 UBX Domain Kang W. 英語 / English Journal of the Korean Chemical Society 2023 67 348
31922V-HKAW 2009G590; 2012G048; 2014G087; 2014R-40; 2015G020 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; NW12A/NW12A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A Substrate recognition mode of a glycoside hydrolase family 42 β-galactosidase from Bifidobacterium longum subspecies infantis(BiBga42A) revealed by crystallographic and mutational analyses Aina GOTOH; 日高 將文/Masafumi HIDAKA; 伏信 進矢/Shinya FUSHINOBU; 片山 高嶺/Takane KATAYAMA 英語 / English Microbiome Research Reports 2023 2
3247VG-AXU0 17A Histone H3 lysine 27 crotonylation mediates gene transcriptional repression in chromatin Liu, Nan 英語 / English Molecular Cell 2023 83 2206
334GJK-DDSP 2016G083; 2017G089; 2019G018; 2020RP-04 1A/1A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A A bacterial sulfoglycosidase highlights mucin O-glycan breakdown in the gut ecosystem Toshihiko KATO; 山田 千早/Chihaya YAMADA; ブランパン 騰真/Toma BLANPAIN; 伏信 進矢/Shinya FUSHINOBU; Takane KATAYAMA 英語 / English Nature Chemical Biology 2023 19 778
34RXZH-D5G5 2018G505; 2020G514; 2019RP-03; 2020RP-16 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A Class III hybrid cluster protein homodimeric architecture shows evolutionary relationship with Ni, Fe-carbon monoxide dehydrogenases 藤城 貴史/Takashi FUJISHIRO; 高岡 恭世/Kyosei TAKAOKA 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
35CKUH-Z69C 2015G020, 2014R-40, 2015R-36; 2016G083; 2016R-69; 2017G088; 2017G089; 2019G017; 2019G018; 2021G052; 2022G034; 2021PF-B026; 2022PF-B011; 2022PF-B014; 2023G052 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 10C/10C; NE3A/NE3A Identification and characterization of endo-α-, exo-α-, and exo-β-D-arabinofuranosidases degrading lipoarabinomannan and arabinogalactan of mycobacteria ブランパン 騰真/Toma BLANPAIN; 伏信 進矢/Shinya FUSHINOBU; 荒川 孝俊/Takatoshi ARAKAWA; 中島 千穂/Chiho NAKASHIMA; 赤井 元気/Genki AKAI; 清水 伸隆 /Nobutaka SHIMIZU; 福島 陸/Riku FUKUSHIMA; 山田 千早/Chihaya YAMADA 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
364HJX-FA9F 2022G596 17A/17A Stoichiometry validation of supramolecular complexes with a hydrocarbon cage host by van ’t Hoff analyses 福永 隼也/Toshiya FUKUNAGA; 加藤昂英; 尾仲 柚香/Yuzuka ONAKA; 池本 晃喜/Koki IKEMOTO; 磯部寛之 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
37ZAAU-VZWH 17A Mechanism of U6 snRNA oligouridylation by human TUT1 Yamashita, Seisuke 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
38XDZB-ZY33 2019G014; 2018G527 10C/10C; 17A/17A Structure and activation of the RING E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIM72 on the membrane SONG Hyun Kyu/Hyun Kyu SONG; PARK Si hoon/Si hoon PARK; KIM BongHeon/BongHeon KIM 英語 / English Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2023 30 1695
39RSKG-8F7V 2017G655 17A; 5A An archaeal transcription factor EnfR with a novel ‘eighth note’ fold controls hydrogen production of a hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus onnurineus NA1 Da-Woon Bae; Sun-Shin Cha 英語 / English Nucleic Acids Research 2023 51 10026
403736-DPFK 17A Structural basis for cross-group recognition of an influenza virus hemagglutinin antibody that targets postfusion stabilized epitope Tonouchi, Keisuke 英語 / English PLoS Pathogens 2023 19
413715-3961 17A Structural insight into the activation of an Arabidopsis organellar C-to-U RNA editing enzyme by active site complementation Sachiko Toma-Fukai 英語 / English Plant Cell 2023 35 1888
42N1ER-TZCN 17A Characterization of two rice GH18 chitinases belonging to family 8 of plant pathogenesis-related proteins Tanaka, Jun 英語 / English Plant Science 2023 326
43ZPXW-B44B 2016G617; 2016G606; 2018G636; 2018G634; 2020G658 NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; 1A/1A; 10C/10C; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; 10C/10C; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A Crystal structure and activity of a de novo enzyme, ferric enterobactin esterase Syn-F4 / 新規人工酵素Syn-F4鉄エンテロバクチンエステラーゼの結晶構造と活性 栗原 航大/Kodai KURIHARA; 梅澤 公二; Ann E. Donnelly; Brendan Sperling; Guanyu Liao; Michael H. Hecht; 新井 亮一/Ryoichi ARAI 英語 / English Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2023 120
44M25T-J58N 2016G091, 2018G110 17A Protein expression and purification, molecular interaction, and X-ray crystallographic analysis of baculovirus protein PK2 Takeshita D. 英語 / English Protein Expression and Purification 2023 202
45SSMA-5CGA 2021G606 17A Recombinant production of antibody antigen-binding fragments with an N-terminal human growth hormone tag in mammalian cells 禾 晃和/Terukazu NOGI; 安達 友里子/Yuriko ADACHI 英語 / English Protein Expression and Purification 2023 208-209
46G03Y-ZY8N 17A Periplasmic chitooligosaccharide-binding protein requires a three-domain organization for substrate translocation Ohnuma T. 英語 / English Scientific Reports 2023 13
477J04-0AJ3 1A, 17A Structural bases for the Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease induced by single amino acid substitutions of myelin protein zero Sakakura M. 英語 / English Structure 2023 31 1452
482NM3-63VT 17A, 1A Structural basis of EHEP-mediated offense against phlorotannin-induced defense from brown algae to protect akuBGL activity Xiaomei Sun 英語 / English eLife 2023 88939.3