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1SZVY-H8BZ 2017G593; 2019G685; 2021G553 10C/10C; 9C/ 9C; 6A/6A; 9C/ 9C; 10C/10C; 15A1/15A1; 10C/10C; 9C/ 9C; 15A1/15A1; 15A2/15A2 Nanoclusters in stacking faults in Mg-Y-Zn alloys examined by small-angle X-ray scattering and extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis 奥田 浩司/Hiroshi OKUDA 英語 / English Acta Materialia 2023 253
2W8EN-2E77 2021G096 15A2/15A2 Module-assembled elastomer showing large strain stiffening capability and high stretchability 中川 慎太郎/Shintaro NAKAGAWA; 青木 大輔; 浅野 悠紀; 吉江 尚子 英語 / English Advanced Materials 2023 35
3W2SY-57J7 2017P007; 2018G562; 2020G668; 2022G550 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 Mass production system for RNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles using piling up microfluidic devices 真栄城 正寿/Masatoshi MAEKI; 岡田 悠斗/Yuto OKADA; 宇野 秀哉/Shuya UNO; 杉浦 魁星/Kaisei SUGIURA 英語 / English Applied Materials Today 2023 31 101754
4765T-HCCT 2018調整; 2019調整; 2020調整; 2022調整 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2 MOLASS: Software for automatic processing of matrix data obtained from small-angle X-ray scattering and UV?visible spectroscopy combined with size-exclusion chromatography Kento Yonezawa; Masatsuyo Takahashi; Keiko Yatabe; Yasuko Nagatani; 清水 伸隆 /Nobutaka SHIMIZU 英語 / English Biophysics and Physicobiology 2023 20
5FHUY-D528 2019G116, 2020G610, 2021G573 6A, 15A2 CO2 switchable adhesion of ionic polydimethylsiloxane elastomers Miwa, Yohei 英語 / English Chemical Communications 2023 59 14415
6F5EC-TP8Y 2019RP-34; 2020RP-03 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2 The two‐step cargo recognition mechanism of heterotrimeric kinesin Xuguang Jiang; Tadayuki Ogawa 英語 / English EMBO Reports 2023
7GBRM-N9VB 2019G012; 2017G038 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 A method for determining the density fluctuations of supercritical fluids absolutely based on small- angle scattering experiments and application to supercritical methanol 森田 剛/Takeshi MORITA; Teruki Kadota; Kouhei Kusano; Yoshitada Tanaka; Keiko Nishikawa 英語 / English Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2023 62 016504
8B451-1BBD 2021G553; 2019G685 9C/ 9C; 15A2/15A2; 9C/ 9C; 10C/10C Small-angle X-ray scattering analysis on the in-plane cluster distribution during heating amorphous Mg85Y9Cu6 alloys 前河 佳晃/Yoshiaki MAEGAWA; 奥田 浩司/Hiroshi OKUDA; Taichi Shimada; 平山 恭介/Kyosuke HIRAYAMA; 山崎 倫昭; 河村能人 英語 / English Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2023 62
9MF35-NXYU 15A2 Time-resolved study on signaling pathway of photoactivated adenylate cyclase and its nonlinear optical response Yusuke Nakasone 英語 / English Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 299
1028A8-H84N 2018G562; 2020G668; 2022G550 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 Controlling lamellarity and physicochemical properties of liposomes prepared using a microfluidic device Yuka Matsuura-Sawada; 真栄城 正寿/Masatoshi MAEKI 英語 / English Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 2023 11 2419
11C4ZG-UK8Z 2018G562; 2020G668; 2022G550 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 Fine-tuning the encapsulation of a photosensitizer in nanoparticles reveals the relationship between internal structure and phototherapeutic effects Fumika Kubota; Satrialdi; Yuta Takano; 真栄城 正寿/Masatoshi MAEKI 英語 / English Journal of Biophotonics 2023 e202200119 1
12C5D6-ME4N 2020G123 15A2 Pathway Complexity in Nanotubular Supramolecular Polymerization: Metal-Organic Nanotubes with a Planar-Chiral Monomer Zhao, Yingluo 英語 / English Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023 145 13920
135BN1-HZ9X 15A2 Spherulitic Characterization and Hierarchical Structural Evaluation of Azacalixarene-Polyethylene Glycol Copolymers Containing s-Triazine Rings Otsuki, Yuto 英語 / English Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2023 224
14NU17-WAT7 2016G561; 2018G579; 2019G086 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2; 15A2/15A2 Distribution of Oriented Lamellar Structures in Injection-Molded High-Density Polyethylene Visualized via SAXS-CT Method 小川 紘樹/Hiroki OGAWA 英語 / English Macromolecules 2023 56 5964
15G31X-9NNN 2019G685; 2021G553 10C/10C; 15A1/15A1; 15A1/15A1; 15A2/15A2 Microstructure Evolution in Mg98.6Y1Zn0.4 Alloys and the Development by Hot Deformation Examined by Synchrotron Radiation Small- andWide-Angle Scattering 奥田 浩司/Hiroshi OKUDA 英語 / English Materials Transactions 2023 64 780
16D2D0-5RM1 2020G071; 2022G010 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2 Control of the stepwise self-assembly process of a pH-responsive amphiphilic 4-aminoquinoline- tetraphenylethene conjugate Yusuke Hisamatsu; 山本 勝宏/Katsuhiro YAMAMOTO 英語 / English Nanoscale 2023 15 3177
17CKUH-Z69C 2015G020, 2014R-40, 2015R-36; 2016G083; 2016R-69; 2017G088; 2017G089; 2019G017; 2019G018; 2021G052; 2022G034; 2021PF-B026; 2022PF-B011; 2022PF-B014; 2023G052 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 17A/17A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 5A/ 5A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NW12A/NW12A; 1A/1A; 5A/ 5A; 17A/17A; NE3A/NE3A; NW12A/NW12A; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 10C/10C; NE3A/NE3A Identification and characterization of endo-α-, exo-α-, and exo-β-D-arabinofuranosidases degrading lipoarabinomannan and arabinogalactan of mycobacteria ブランパン 騰真/Toma BLANPAIN; 伏信 進矢/Shinya FUSHINOBU; 荒川 孝俊/Takatoshi ARAKAWA; 中島 千穂/Chiho NAKASHIMA; 赤井 元気/Genki AKAI; 清水 伸隆 /Nobutaka SHIMIZU; 福島 陸/Riku FUKUSHIMA; 山田 千早/Chihaya YAMADA 英語 / English Nature Communications 2023 14
18ST01-3UPF 15A2 A system that delivers an antioxidant to mitochondria for the treatment of drug-induced liver injury Hibino, Mitsue 英語 / English Scientific Reports 2023 13
19GMMA-JD65 2019G577; 2021G654 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C The structural changes of a bovine casein micelle during temperature change; in situ observation over a wide spatial scale from nano to micrometer 高木 秀彰/Hideaki TAKAGI 英語 / English Soft Matter 2023 19 4562
2018PR-RX8K 2016調整; 2015R-74; 2017R-02; 2018調整; 2019調整; 2020調整; 2022調整 10C/10C; 10C/10C; 10C/10C; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2; 10C/10C; 15A2/15A2 Conformational State Estimation of Biological Macromolecules in Solution using BioSAXS / BioSAXS を活用した生体高分子の溶液構造状態推定 清水 伸隆 /Nobutaka SHIMIZU 日本語 / Japanese 日本結晶学会誌 / Journal of the Crystallographic Society of Japan 2023 65 42