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6件ヒットしました ( 1 - 6 )
検索条件   ビームライン(15A1) and 発表年(2023)
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1SZVY-H8BZ 2017G593; 2019G685; 2021G553 10C/10C; 9C/ 9C; 6A/6A; 9C/ 9C; 10C/10C; 15A1/15A1; 10C/10C; 9C/ 9C; 15A1/15A1; 15A2/15A2 Nanoclusters in stacking faults in Mg-Y-Zn alloys examined by small-angle X-ray scattering and extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis 奥田 浩司/Hiroshi OKUDA 英語 / English Acta Materialia 2023 253
2TZAZ-6VJ0 2015S2-002; 2016S2-001; 2019S2-002 15A1/15A2/15A1/15A2; 9A/ 9A; 15A1/15A2/15A1/15A2; 9A/ 9A; 15A1/15A1 Micromechanism of Heterogeneous Reduction of Iron Ore Sinters Investigated by Synchrotron X-Ray Multimodal Analysis 武市 泰男/Yasuo TAKEICHI; 村尾 玲子 / Reiko MURAO; 木村 正雄/Masao KIMURA 英語 / English ISIJ International 2023 63 2017
3AHKH-7DHU 2019G107 15A1/15A1 Coprecipitation synthesis of Ca14Al10Zn6O35:Mn4+ deep‐red phosphor and silica‐modified waterproofing ability 西脇芳典 英語 / English Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2023 106 1149
46B7G-T8PT 2022G078, 2022PF-T004, 2022PF-T006 15A1 Surface oxidation and Fe valency distribution in celadon glaze revealed by depth-resolved Fe K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy Angelo P. Rillera 英語 / English Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2023 43
5G31X-9NNN 2019G685; 2021G553 10C/10C; 15A1/15A1; 15A1/15A1; 15A2/15A2 Microstructure Evolution in Mg98.6Y1Zn0.4 Alloys and the Development by Hot Deformation Examined by Synchrotron Radiation Small- andWide-Angle Scattering 奥田 浩司/Hiroshi OKUDA 英語 / English Materials Transactions 2023 64 780
6B5CN-S8TF 2021G084; 2017G152; 2019G107 4A/ 4A; 15A1/15A1; 15A1/15A1; 12C/12C; 15A1/15A1 Characterization of metal components in white-based polyester single fibers by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and X-ray absorption fine structure analysis utilizing synchrotron radiation for forensic discrimination 西脇 芳典/Yoshinori NISHIWAKI; 小松 響/Hibiki KOMATSU 英語 / English Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy 2023 209