更新日 : 2024/11/29 

   件数 : 21,600件    




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6件ヒットしました ( 1 - 6 )
検索条件   ビームライン(15A1) and 発表年(2022)
[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
1HU3T-X9ZC 2016G586; 2019G662; 2021G647; 2020G662 4A/ 4A; 15A1/15A1; 15A1/15A1; 4A/ 4A In Situ X-ray Fluorescence Evaluation of Metal Ion Adsorption on Ferric Oxyhydroxide in Frozen Solutions 土井 美野里/Minori DOI; 原田 誠/Makoto HARADA; 岡田 哲男/Tetsuo OKADA 英語 / English ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2022 6 218
2XUGZ-RJF3 2018G089, 2018G575 4A, 15A1 Symbiont Community Composition in Rimicaris kairei Shrimps from Indian Ocean Vents with Notes on Mineralogy Methou P. 英語 / English Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2022 88
3J9ME-83M3 2019G554; 2021G564; 2017G628; 2017G156; 2015G070; 2012G644; 2015G070 15A1/15A1; 12C/12C; NW10A/NW10A; 15A1/15A1; 12C/12C; 15A1/15A2/15A1/15A2; NW10A/NW10A; 12C/12C Abnormal Metal Bond Distances in PtAu Alloy Nanoparticles: In Situ Back-Illumination XAFS Investigations of the Structure of PtAu Nanoparticles on a Flat HOPG Substrate Prepared by Arc Plasma Deposition HU Bing/Bing HU; 朝倉 清高/Kiyotaka ASAKURA; 高草木 達/Satoru TAKAKUSAGI; JIMENEZ De Jesus Juan/Juan De Jesus JIMENEZ 英語 / English Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2022 126 1006
4TND1-K5BT 2015G515; 2017G603; 2021PF-Q001 9A/ 9A; 9A/ 9A; 15A1/15A1; 9A/ 9A; 15A1/15A1 Broccoli microgreens treated with CaCl$_2$ solution absorb calcium atoms and accumulate them as Ca(II) hydrated ions 阿部 仁/Hitoshi ABE; 大下 宏美/Hiromi OSHITA 英語 / English Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2022 198 110260
5583P-XHGM 2022S2-001 15A1, 9A, 9C Persistent homology analysis with nonnegative matrix factorization for 3D voxel data of iron ore sinters Ippei Obayashi , Masao Kimura 英語 / English The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Letters 2022 14 151
6C25K-RJSS 2021G553 10C; 15A1; 9C In Situ Measurements on Formation and Development of LPSO-like Nanostructures in Dilute MgYZn and MgGdZn Alloys Hiroshi Okuda 英語 / English The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 2022 149