更新日 : 2024/12/27 

   件数 : 21,637件    




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検索条件   ビームライン(14C) and 発表年(2023)
[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
15HDT-CF9G 2020G556 14C SAKAS: Saga light source data karte system and its application to micro and phase-contrast x-ray CT Akio Yoneyama 英語 / English AIP Conference Proceedings 2023 2990
2JVAD-RYX8 2020G108 14C/14C Multi-beam X-ray optical system for high-speed tomography using a σ-polarization diffraction geometry Wolfgang VOEGELI/VOEGELI Wolfgang; 梁 暁宇/XIAOYU LIANG; 白澤 徹郎/Tetsuro SHIRASAWA; 荒川 悦雄/Etsuo ARAKAWA; Kazuyuki Hyodo; Hiroyuki Kudo; 矢代 航/Wataru YASHIRO 英語 / English Applied Physics Express 2023 16
3HDTV-8GFD 2009S2-006, 2020G032, 2021G070, 2021G086, 2021G574, 2022G604, 2022G611 14C Crystal-Based X-ray Interferometry and Its Application to Phase-Contrast X-ray Imaging, Zeff Imaging, and X-ray Thermography Akio Yoneyama 英語 / English Applied Sciences 2023 13
40VJ1-TW4V 14B, 14C Visualizing morphological structures of rice grains in precooked products using synchrotron radiation X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography Miki, Hiromi 英語 / English Food & Function 2023 14 87
55CXM-KNK8 14C Three-dimensional morphogenesis of the human diaphragm during the late embryonic and early fetal period: Analysis using T1-weighted and diffusion tensor imaging Kanahashi, Toru 英語 / English Journal of Anatomy 2023 242 174
663S8-UY64 2018G666 14C Microstructural Study on Dissolution of Natural Methane Hydrate by Multicontrast and Multiscale X-ray Computed Tomography Satoshi Takeya; Keiichi Hirano; Kazuyuki Hyodo; Akio Yoneyama 英語 / English Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023 127 23973
7NRFP-GUHX 14C Visualization of temporomandibular joint articular cartilage using synchrotron-radiation X-ray phase-contrast imaging Hiromi Miki 英語 / English Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A 2023 1049
8EKH4-85AW 2022PF-G015 14C Large-view x-ray imaging for medical applications using the world's only vertically polarized synchrotron radiation beam and a single asymmetric Si crystal Chika Kamezawa 英語 / English Physics in Medicine and Biology 2023 68
9J6XA-82PR 2021G066, 2022PF-G015 14C Evaluation of high intensity synchrotron radiation x-ray imaging using Si crystals with lapped surface at 33.3 keV Kamezawa C. 英語 / English Review of Scientific Instruments 2023 94
100R3J-VHCM 2022G124 14C/14C Microstructural analysis of the texture of machine-made somen noodles / 機械そうめんの食感のミクロ構造的解析 安田 みどり/Midori YASUDA 日本語 / Japanese 日本食品科学工学会誌 / Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology 2023 70 147