更新日 : 2024/11/29 

   件数 : 21,600件    




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11件ヒットしました ( 1 - 11 )
検索条件   ビームライン(14C) and 発表年(2022)
[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
19B7P-3S02 2017G171, 2019G040 14C White matter imaging of ethanol-fixed rat brain by phase-contrast X-ray computed tomography Lwin, Thet-Thet- 英語 / English Acta Radiologica 2022 63 1102
263PK-RPYK 2019G542 14C/14C Morphometric analysis of secondary palate development in human embryos 野原 葵/Aoi NOHARA; 金橋 徹/Toru KANAHASHI; 山田 重人/Shigehito YAMADA; 高桑 徹也/Tetsuya TAKAKUWA 英語 / English Journal of Anatomy 2022 241 1287
38U4C-HFX7 2021G574; 2019G542; 2019G541; 2017G688; 2017G598; 2016G171; 2014G018; 2012G138 14C/14C; 14C/14C; 14C/14C; 14C/14C; 14C/14C; 14C/14C; 14C/14C; 14C/14C Three-dimensional visualization and quantitative analysis of embryonic and fetal thigh muscles using magnetic resonance and phase-contrast X-ray imaging / MRIおよび位相差X線CTを用いたヒト胚子・胎児大腿筋の三次元可視化と定量解析 山口 豊/Yutaka YAMAGUCHI 英語 / English Journal of Anatomy 2022 241 1310
4PZ83-8C4S 2020G032, 2018C210, 2019C210, 2020C211 14C Quantitative visualization of ion and thermal distributions in electrolytes during operation of electrochemical devices by Operando phase-contrast X-ray imaging Takamatsu, Daiko 英語 / English Journal of Materials Research 2022 37 1576
5R87T-R4N0 2020G578 14C/14C Superheating of Structure I Gas Hydrates within the Structure II Cyclopentane Hydrate Shell 竹谷 敏/Satoshi TAKEYA 英語 / English Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2022 13 2130
6DXA9-PZE8 2020G108 14C/14C Development of multi-beam optics for time-resolved X-ray tomography: from π-polarization to σ-polarization Wolfgang VOEGELI/VOEGELI Wolfgang; 梁 暁宇/XIAOYU LIANG; 白澤 徹郎/Tetsuro SHIRASAWA; 荒川 悦雄/Etsuo ARAKAWA; Kazuyuki HYODO; Hiroyuki KUDO; 矢代 航/Wataru YASHIRO 英語 / English Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2022 2380
76C8F-HKDA 14C Observation of processed rice using synchrotron radiation X-ray phase-contrast imaging Hiromi Miki 英語 / English Journal of texture studies 2022 53 366
8UCF2-6JUA 2022G651; 2022G626; 2021G587; 2020G583; 2020G565; 2019G598; 2018G669; 2017G697; 2016G625; 2013G731; 2008S2-002 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14C/14C X-ray Dark-Field Imaging (1) : Overview and Imaging principle / X-ray Dark-Field Imaging (1):概要と投影像・断層像 砂口 尚輝/Naoki SUNAGUCHI; 島雄 大介/Daisuke SHIMAO; 安藤 ID削除使用不可 正海/Masami ANDO 日本語 / Japanese Medical Imaging Technology 2022 40 67
91XXU-EYD2 2022G651; 2022G626; 2021G587; 2020G583; 2020G565; 2019G598; 2018G669; 2017G697; 2016G625; 2013G731; 2008S2-002 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14C/14C X-ray Dark-Field Imaging (2) : Computed Tomography Reconstruction Technique / X-ray Dark-Field Imaging (2):CTの再構成手法 砂口 尚輝/Naoki SUNAGUCHI; 湯浅 哲也/Tetsuya YUASA 日本語 / Japanese Medical Imaging Technology 2022 40 144
10E32W-K42B 2022G651; 2022G626; 2021G587; 2020G583; 2020G565; 2019G598; 2018G669; 2017G697; 2016G625; 2013G731; 2008S2-002 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14C/14C X-ray Dark-Field Imaging (3) : Virtual Histopathology with X-ray Dark-Field Imaging CT / X-ray Dark-Field Imaging (3):X-ray Dark-Field Imaging CTによる仮想病理組織学 砂口 尚輝/Naoki SUNAGUCHI; 市原 周/Shu ICHIHARA; 島雄 大介/Daisuke SHIMAO 日本語 / Japanese Medical Imaging Technology 2022 40 190
11XH6T-8SDD 2019G541 14C/14C The first 3D analysis of the sphenoid morphogenesis during the human embryonic period Natsuko Tahakashi Utsunomiya; 山田 重人/Shigehito YAMADA 英語 / English Scientific Reports 2022 12