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7件ヒットしました ( 1 - 7 )
検索条件   ビームライン(14B) and 発表年(2023)
[ チェックしたデータのみ ]
17DGN-G3VU 2022G651; 2022G626; 2021G587; 2020G583; 2020G565; 2019G598; 2018G669; 2017G697; 2016G625; 2013G731 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B; 14B/14B Superimposed wavefront imaging of diffraction-enhanced x-rays: A method to achieve higher resolution in crystal analyzer-based x-ray phase-contrast imaging 砂口 尚輝/Naoki SUNAGUCHI; 島雄 大介/Daisuke SHIMAO; 市原 周/Shu ICHIHARA; 湯浅 哲也/Tetsuya YUASA; 安藤 ID削除使用不可 正海/Masami ANDO 英語 / English Applied Physics Letters 2023 122
2PUFM-3G29 2019G103; 2021G022 14B/14B; 20B/20B; 14B/14B; 20B/20B In Situ Observation of Slight Twisting in Hen Egg-White Lysozyme Crystals during Crystal Growth and Dissolution by Digital X-ray Topography 阿部 満理奈/Marina ABE; 鈴木 凌/Ryo SUZUKI; Keiichi Hirano; 小泉 晴比古/Haruhiko KOIZUMI; 小島 謙一/Kenichi KOJIMA; 橘 勝/Masaru TACHIBANA 英語 / English Crystal Growth & Design 2023 23 4130
30VJ1-TW4V 14B, 14C Visualizing morphological structures of rice grains in precooked products using synchrotron radiation X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography Miki, Hiromi 英語 / English Food & Function 2023 14 87
4T311-TMXU 2018G501; 2020G585; 2022G503 3C/ 3C; 14B/14B; 3C/ 3C; 14B/14B; 3C/ 3C; 14B/14B Three-dimensional distribution and propagation of dislocations in β-Ga2O3 revealed by Borrmann effect X-ray topography 姚 永昭/Yongzhao YAO 英語 / English Journal of Applied Physics 2023 134 155104-1
50P5Z-VVKX 2020G585; 2022G503 3C/ 3C; 14B/14B; 3C/ 3C; 14B/14B Lattice misorientation at domain boundaries in β-Ga2O3 single-crystal substrates observed via synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction imaging and X-ray reticulography 姚 永昭/Yongzhao YAO 英語 / English Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2023 1
60ECB-VHAB 2018G501; 2020G585 3C/ 3C; 14B/14B; 3C/ 3C; 14B/14B X-ray topographic observation of dislocations in β-Ga2O3 Schottky barrier diodes and their glide and multiplication under reverse bias 姚 永昭/Yongzhao YAO 英語 / English Scripta Materialia 2023 226 115216-1
7M91X-0V1K 2020G060; 2022G122 14B/14B; 14B/14B Preliminary study to evaluate the ability of X-ray phase imaging to detect fibrous tissue / X線位相イメージング法による繊維組織の検出能力を評価するための予備的検討 岡本 博之/Hiroyuki OKAMOTO; 水野 薫/Kaoru MIZUNO 日本語 / Japanese ウェルネス・ヘルスケア学会 / Journal of Wellness and Health Care 2023 47 53