更新日 : 2024/12/27 

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検索条件   ビームライン(13A/13B) and 発表年(2023)
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1NGN8-220H 2021G009 13A/13B Bifunctionality of Re Supported on TiO2 in Driving Methanol Formation in Low-Temperature CO2 Hydrogenation Kah Wei Ting, Shinya Mine, Yuan Jing, Ryo Toyoshima, Hiroshi Kondoh, Ken-ichi Shimizu, Takashi Toyao, Atsushi Urakawa 英語 / English ACS Catalysis 2023 13 10734
2602W-W9NK 2021G009 13A/13B/13A/13B Promotional Effect of Ag on the Catalytic Decomposition of N2O in the Presence of O2 over the Al2O3-Supported Rh Catalyst JING YUAN/YUAN JING; 鳥屋尾 隆/Takashi TOYAO; 豊島 遼/Ryo TOYOSHIMA; 近藤 寛; 清水 研一 英語 / English ACS Catalysis 2023 13 12983
3APSZ-9Z2T 2021S2-003; 2021G079 13A/13B/13A/13B; 3B/ 3B Crystalline phase control of BiVO4 thin films using RF sputtering Namiki Uezono; Jiaqi Liu; Sachin A. Pawar; Muhammad Monirul Islam; Shigeru Ikeda; Takeaki Sakurai 英語 / English Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 2023 62
4UAD1-BYHV 2021G079; 2021S2-003 13A/13B; 13A/13B Electronic Structure of Orthorhombic Bi?V?O?? and Role of Gap States in Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Jiaqi Liu; Kenichi Ozawa; Namiki Uezono; Sachin A. Pawar; Shugo Suzuki; Aboulaye Traor?; Muhammad Monirul Islam; Kazuhiko Mase; Takeaki Sakurai 英語 / English Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023 127 11195
5AT10-JC1Z 2020G542; 2021S2-003 13A/13B/13A/13B; 13A/13B/13A/13B Destabilization of Sn2+ 5s2 Lone-Pair States of SnO through Dimensional Crossover 簔原 誠人/Makoto MINOHARA 英語 / English Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2023 14 5985
6FG6N-VFBF 2019G618 13A/13B/13A/13B Width-dependent band gap of arm-chair graphene nanoribbons formed on vicinal SiC substrates by MBE 飯盛 拓嗣/Takushi IIMORI 英語 / English Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2023 35 455002
7UW2F-D62P 2022G134 13A/13B Investigation of the Electronic Structure of the Mg99.2Zn0.2Y0.6 Alloy Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Hidetoshi Miyazaki 英語 / English Materials Transactions 2023 64 1194
853VE-X1SJ 2021S2-003 13A/13B/13A/13B A wide-angle drivable and high-precision sample goniometer for angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy 相浦 義弘/Yoshihiro AIURA; 小澤 健一/Kenichi OZAWA; 簔原 誠人/Makoto MINOHARA 英語 / English Measurement 2023 217 1
9A5B1-W0SG 2018G597; 2020G541 13A/13B/13A/13B; 13A/13B/13A/13B Atomic and electronic structures of an Ag-containing 4A zeolite 細川 伸也/Shinya HOSOKAWA 英語 / English Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2023 359 112662-1
108TWE-NFNZ 2019G553; 2018S2-006; 2021S2-004; 2021PF-S003 13A/13B/13A/13B; 16A/16A Development of Multi-scale Soft X-ray Diffraction Microscope for Observing Spin Textures 中尾 裕則/Hironori NAKAO; 石井祐太; 山崎裕一 英語 / English 日本物理学会・Proc / The Physical Society of Japan Conference Proceeding 2023 38